problem to included zxt-120 veraedge ui7 7.07

I tried 3 day to connect the zxt-120 under “add generic device” and under “another z-wave device” with not luck.
the zxt-120 was in all the possible situation (battery/wire , Always Listening/Frequently Listening Routing Slaves).

I searched in google for hours but it seem no one hade problem with the includes process. and still the vera wont recognize the zxt-120.

the only relevant result was;wap2 he say:
“f1ip: zxt-120 doesn`t work after upgrade” of “UI7 ▾ Version 7.0.7 (1.7.583/1.7.1142)”

before i give up, maybe you have any suggestions :-\

thank you very much,

Any luck yet? Mine just connected fine with July update of UI7.

Not sure if I started inclusion from my Vera3 using zwave button on front panel, or from web UI using gneeric/other zwave device selection.

You sure you have the setup of FLiRS or AlwaysListening correct? Perhaps power it via USB cable in case its not in FLiRS mode?


[quote=“orinu, post:1, topic:187403”]I tried 3 day to connect the zxt-120 under “add generic device” and under “another z-wave device” with not luck.
the zxt-120 was in all the possible situation (battery/wire , Always Listening/Frequently Listening Routing Slaves).

I searched in google for hours but it seem no one hade problem with the includes process. and still the vera wont recognize the zxt-120.

the only relevant result was;wap2 he say:
“f1ip: zxt-120 doesn`t work after upgrade” of “UI7 ▾ Version 7.0.7 (1.7.583/1.7.1142)”

before i give up, maybe you have any suggestions :-\

thank you very much,

please select “add other device” while you to include it. and please upgrade your UI7 to latest version.