PowerSeries 1832 + IT-100 + Wiznet (Serial to Ethernet) used for IP monitoring?

I’ve searched with no luck.

Can a DSC Power Series 1832 panel + the IT-100 module + Wiznet serial to ethernet adapter all plugged into my home’s router be used for IP monitoring with the various alarm monitoring systems out there?

If the question is can this set be used to interface with your Vera, the answer is yes.

If you have purchased the items, I would look at the EVL3 option.

[quote=“Brientim, post:2, topic:174073”]If the question is can this set be used to interface with your Vera, the answer is yes.

If you have purchased the items, I would look at the EVL3 option.[/quote]

That wasn’t my question. I know that the combination of those devices allow interface with VERA.

My question is now that the DSC is connected to my home network, can alarm monitoring companies now “talk” with my DSC to offer me monitoring via the Internet?

No. The IT100 is an Automation interface (only).

DSC has other components that can co-exist with the IT100 (or a Envisalink 3) that are for connection back to the central office for [regular] monitoring contracts.

You’ll want to contact your local providers to see if they support the DSC Panels, and what specific components that they require for that to work.

If you go with the Envisalink 3, then you can also get a type of Monitoring service through them as well. In this setup, Vera gets “Automation” control from the device, but the device also phone’s home to the Envisalink service. See their site for further details on this.

[quote=“guessed, post:4, topic:174073”]No. The IT100 is an Automation interface (only).

DSC has other components that can co-exist with the IT100 (or a Envisalink 3) that are for connection back to the central office for [regular] monitoring contracts.

You’ll want to contact your local providers to see if they support the DSC Panels, and what specific components that they require for that to work.

If you go with the Envisalink 3, then you can also get a type of Monitoring service through them as well. In this setup, Vera gets “Automation” control from the device, but the device also phone’s home to the Envisalink service. See their site for further details on this.[/quote]

Thank you so much. That is exactly what I was looking for.

I think I’m going to go the Envisalink 3 route after some further research today.

I’m going to battery back up my panel/ENV3 and then UPS my home network setup so that if power does go out I hopefully will still have Internet access.

Yup, that’s [roughly] what I do. My main Alarm system is Paradox, but the principals are the same.

There’s a rough explanation of the components here:

and a picture of it here:

I have a feeling that one of the lads here is using service from eyez-on’s provider, and they’ll likely chime in on that. I moved this thread to the DSC area so that those folks will find it easier (as well as it gives us a todo list for writing Documentation)

[quote=“guessed, post:6, topic:174073”]Yup, that’s [roughly] what I do. My main Alarm system is Paradox, but the principals are the same.

There’s a rough explanation of the components here:

and a picture of it here:

I have a feeling that one of the lads here is using service from eyez-on’s provider, and they’ll likely chime in on that. I moved this thread to the DSC area so that those folks will find it easier (as well as it gives us a todo list for writing Documentation)[/quote]

Thanks again for your help.

I use the eyez-on monitoring service and it gets tested quite often due to my wife and little one struggling/forgetting to disarm it in time. Response time from them is very quick (since it doesn’t need to dial up) if they see a breach or a fault!

If you sign up for a year, then it works out at about $9 per month… cheap enough to justify with the insurance discount I also get!

I am a newbie to the whole home automation process. all of the other posts and responses appear to be in a language I am not fully understanding, probably due to my novice status. I am hoping you all may be able to help me out. Please! I just had a new DSC 1832 panel installed with a IT-100 and wiznet serial to ethernet module installed. My hopes is to connect the wiznet module to a wireless adapter (same as gaming adapter I suppose) which will connect to existing wireless router in my home. I have a Mi Casa Verde Lite z wave controller hard plugged into this wireless router. Could someone give me a step by step process (In layman terms) of how to get the panel/IT-100/wiznet components to connect to the Mi Casa Verde lite controller?

The only item attached to my Mi Casa Verde Lite controller at this point is my door lock. My ultimate hopes and plans are to 1: first connect the alarm where I can activate and deactivate alarm from my Phone/Ipad (as well as activate and deactivate certain items such as windows, etc, from the alarm), and then 2: be able to activate and deactivate the alarm with the keypad on the door and/or when unlock/lock the door using IPad/phone, it also deactivates/activates the alarm at the same time. Maybe some insight into doing this as well.


Start here;


The app is available in the App Store. Apps.mios.com

Take incremental steps and break your questions down into smaller posts as it makes it easier for others to help.

Ok. I’ve got the new panel, the it-100,wiznet, and wireless Ethernet adapter all hooked up. Added plugin to mi Casa verde lite. How to get the system communication established between the panel/it-100/wiznet/wireless Ethernet to the verde lite controller?

My set up is a little different: DSC Panel to EVL3 to D-Link 505 (wireless access module) The VeraLite is connected via Cat 5 to my Netgear Modem/Router/Wifi.
In order to get my system working, I had to run a Cat 5 cable between the EVL3 and the Netgear router. Once it was all working, I replaced the cable with the D-Link and then made the IP address of the EVL3 static in the Netgear set-up screen. [This is all a new language to me to so clarity may be lacking]
Regarding the earlier postings in this thread - I self monitor by having the system send me texts and e-mails. I figure the monitoring company is going to call me anyway so I might as well get the alarm notification directly.