Possible with black screensaver?

Hi, I have a wall mounted ipad with homewave installed. I find it pretty annoying to have Ios lockscreen as screensaver, I would just like the homewave screen to be black after say 2 minutes if it’s not used and then to be woken up by just touch on the screen or press on home button. Is there any feature like this or maybe possible to arrange?

+1 for this feature request @intveltr

The screen can’t be dimmed completely from an app. But if you use the iPad exclusively for HomeWave, maybe the Kiosk mode is of some use (iPad Settings->General->accessibility->Guided access).

Even though it would still have a little background light, what about HW switching to a black screen and hiding all controls and indicators in the top? Or changing the color of all items on the screen to draw in black on black? - then reverting back to normal on a touch / tap…