Possible to use same VeraAlertsID on multiple devices?

As subject. It wasn’t possible last I checked in 2013 but maybe this has changed?

I would like the same messages be pushed to several Android devices around the house (connected to speakers).

Is the only way of using more devices to buy more licenses at $3 for each additional device?

Yes you will need a separate profile for each phone …

Well, I’m off to register land t buy more licenses then but could this be a request? Would really like to NOT use different ID:s for each phone, if possible!

His time and work is worth more then 5.95 or the 3.00 you think it is. ;D

Also consider that he must pay to maintain the server usage for all your notifications.

  • Garrett

His time and work is worth more then 5.95 or the 3.00 you think it is. ;D[/quote]

Well, that’s why I already paid for a licens for all his different apps integlikewhoa! :wink:

I really like RichardTSchaefer contributions to the Vera platform (well, more like a love-hate relationship when my PLEG:s stop and lock my wife in the house and turn off all the lights… ;)) but that doesn’t mean we can’t ask questions.

If I’m not mistaken other types of profiles in the VeraAlerts app can be used with multiple devices, e.g. Pushover and VeraMate (using the Forwarded Plugin profile).

I consider it to be “Keep Life Interesting Features” as opposed to bugs :slight_smile:
