poll setting

What’s the best setting for this?

Running 1245, under z-wave options, mine are set at default as follows:

Number of seconds to wait to start polling 20
Only poll a node if the Z-Wave network is idle at least 10 seconds.
Poll a node every 60 seconds.
Unless specified otherwise, poll each node at most once every 30 seconds.

For each device, I’ve noticed some random settings. Schlage locks were set at “Poll this node at most once every 0 seconds”. I changed this to blank, which should make it use the default of 60.

Do my z-wave options settings look ok?

Is it best to set devices at blank (for 60 in main settings)?

Typically you’d want to poll battery devices at a slow rate, if at all, to conserve batteries.

I’ve yet to see a good explanation of how the various polling parameters play together. I think ‘poll a node every x seconds’ means it will poll node 2 after x seconds, then node 3 after x seconds, then node 4, etc.

BTW, my Schlage lock is set to 10800 seconds (and I don’t believe I changed that).

That’s every 3 hours? The poll time setting must not be that critical?

That’s every 3 hours? The poll time setting must not be that critical?[/quote]
The lock sends out status changes autonomously (e.g. you enter a PIN, you push the unlock button, etc.), so there may be no need to poll things.

The lock sends out status changes autonomously (e.g. you enter a PIN, you push the unlock button, etc.), so there may be no need to poll things.

For quickset, “no poll” (i.e. a value of “0”) means it won’t check battery level either, apparently.

[quote=“sjolshagen, post:5, topic:168315”][/quote]

For quickset, "no poll" (i.e. a value of "0") means it won't check battery level either, apparently.
That is true, and in the case of the HSM-100 it wont fetch the luminosity or temperature either.


[quote=“sjolshagen, post:5, topic:168315”]

The lock sends out status changes autonomously (e.g. you enter a PIN, you push the unlock button, etc.), so there may be no need to poll things.

For quickset, “no poll” (i.e. a value of “0”) means it won’t check battery level either, apparently.[/quote]
Yep; that makes sense. 3 hour poll time is probably fine for things like that.

For the HSM100, it sends a message to Vera saying it’s awake; Vera then has 3 seconds to go in and retrieve whatever she wants. Apparently that is considered a poll, and setting it to not poll disables it.