Poll for suggestions

I am experimenting with a very high density view for ALTUI devices/scenes, here are 2 screen shots ( PC and phone )
I am not sure how useful and in which direction going from there so I decided to poll the community for ideas…
Thank you for sharing your thoughts in this thread

TBH, I can see that this might be useful on a phone, but the big screen looks hard to understand. Since you don’t have the actual key variable for the devices, I actually wonder what the utility really is.

It’s unusual, is it not, to want to see all your devices, and, for me, the favourites on the home screen are a great feature.

Feel free to ignore!

[quote=“akbooer, post:2, topic:200249”]TBH, I can see that this might be useful on a phone, but the big screen looks hard to understand. Since you don’t have the actual key variable for the devices, I actually wonder what the utility really is.

It’s unusual, is it not, to want to see all your devices, and, for me, the favourites on the home screen are a great feature.

Feel free to ignore![/quote]
thank you, let’s see other feedbacks coming.

I felt the need when I wanted to quickly control the overall status of the house, the screen is reactive and is updated has things changes. of course they are clickable as well and behave like the click on the home favorite page. I was thinking maybe to offer quick filtering ( based on tags or type like on the MyHome page ) or sortering by device type and drag and drop for ordering

Looks cool. But would be nice to have this “offline”. Thus without having access to vera directly. Just like an app. Like imperihome tiles? And this should at least be fully customisable lile imperihome. I want to be able to control the names regardless of them in Vera.

I like it! I have never found much use for the Home screen, especially on mobile devices, because there is too much white-space. With a high-density version, possibly with filters based on rooms and/or tags, I think I would find it more useful. Go for it. Would it be possible to have the cell size configurable?

here is what it looks like for now…
you can click on header to zoom, it gives a quick highlight when an update is received. version is on github

[quote=“amg0, post:6, topic:200249”]here is what it looks like for now…
you can click on header to zoom, it gives a quick highlight when an update is received. version is on github[/quote]

That seems to work well, and looks good on mobile devices. I don?t have a large number of z-wave devices, but I can imagine that on a large screen, and with many devices, information overload could be an issue, so filtering is essential. The high-lighting feature is interesting for about one minute; after that it can get distracting and irritating. Should it be possible turn it off? I regret the same is also true of the rotating ALTUI logo :slight_smile:

Two more suggestions:

  • The ability to run scenes would be helpful. One can then see the effect instantly.
  • A visualisation of the state of workflows would also be really cool.

[quote=“Jantang, post:7, topic:200249”][quote=“amg0, post:6, topic:200249”]here is what it looks like for now…
you can click on header to zoom, it gives a quick highlight when an update is received. version is on github[/quote]

That seems to work well, and looks good on mobile devices. I don?t have a large number of z-wave devices, but I can imagine that on a large screen, and with many devices, information overload could be an issue, so filtering is essential. The high-lighting feature is interesting for about one minute; after that it can get distracting and irritating. Should it be possible turn it off? I regret the same is also true of the rotating ALTUI logo :slight_smile:

Two more suggestions:

  • The ability to run scenes would be helpful. One can then see the effect instantly.
  • A visualisation of the state of workflows would also be really cool.[/quote]

the github version now supports scene and filtering / sorting
I ll see for the other points

ok I am now close to release candidate.

it appears as ‘bird eye view’ under MyHome menu
it can be set as home page using the usual url syntax with “PageBirdEye” keyword.

There is an option in the ALTUI options to set a size ( in pixel, so 55 or 60 for instance ) to have squared items ( all the same size ) , or leave with 0.

All the filtering and sorting options works ( ID, names, types, rooms )
You can click on header to zoom on a box and see more info ( altuiid, room name )
You can click on Icon, and if a prefered action is defined for these type of device it will perform the action ( like run a scene, switch a light on etc… ) , otherwise it will bring you to the device control panel

it will be limited to 20 for non registered users ( as usual I give license to users contributing code or bug fixes )

[sup][/sup][quote=“amg0, post:9, topic:200249”]ok I am now close to release candidate.[/quote]

I have been using rev2484. So far it all looks good. I like the fixed cell-width option.