Plugin for Connected By TCP LED Bulbs v0.1

Thread moved to:,23288.0.html

It appears you need to supply D_TCPLightingGateway1.xml in place of D_TCPLighting1.xml in the Upnp Device Filename field.

Thanks for catching that. I’ve amended my original post.

After that, did the plugin work for you?

Works great in both the browser and AutHomationHD

Thanks for the plugin

Awesome. Thanks again for your time and patience debugging my “documentation defect” :wink:

Works for me as well. Using UI5 on Vera Lite.

Nice work!

The plugin is working great for me so far. I’ve got my “office” lamp and a temporary lamp in the kitchen set up with these.

(Kitchen needs proper dimmer switches and a LOT of bulbs - the real fixtures there are all multi-bulb. For now, I have a desk lamp aimed at the wall with one of the TCP bulbs and it’s working great.)

[quote=“Entropy512, post:7, topic:179252”]The plugin is working great for me so far. I’ve got my “office” lamp and a temporary lamp in the kitchen set up with these.

(Kitchen needs proper dimmer switches and a LOT of bulbs - the real fixtures there are all multi-bulb. For now, I have a desk lamp aimed at the wall with one of the TCP bulbs and it’s working great.)[/quote]

Good to hear! If you haven’t done so already, grab the v0.2 plugin as per this thread: [url=,23288.0.html],23288.0.html[/url]

I’ve created a new “permanent” thread with new release notices at:,23288.0.html

I encourage everyone to upgrade to v0.3 and provide any feedback on that thread,