PLEG / VeraAlerts Not Working

Just recently went into to tweak some settings on my Vera 3 and can’t seem to get any of the Program Logic / Vera Alerts devices to work properly. Whenever I click on the device’s Edit tab, I get an error “Opening vaInit…” or “Opening plegInit…”

Vera3 firmware version UI5 - 1.5.622
VeraAlerts 7.15
PLEG 8.11
PLC 8.19

Updates turned off

Thanks for any help

The version an you indicated are UI7 only versions.

I sent an email to all registered users over 5 months ago telling them to disable auto update on your plugins Because I was not going to make any more UI5 releaseses.

Look up the how to update the appropriate plugins on the appropriate forum. The first entry tells you how to recover your version.

Make sure you turn OFF auto update first!

Aaaaannd…I’m an idiot. I thought I had checked off no update but apparently not.

If you are like me and on UI5 - follow Richard’s downgrade instructions and you will get back online.

Then make sure to check off “Auto Update”!