PLEG Schedule Not Executing Correctly

I have again found a situation where a PLEG failed in the Schedule Properties. In this case the Schedule shows as TRUE at 09:52PM for a state which is only true between 10:30PM to 08:00AM. (Image Attached)

This schedule has operated correctly for a week now without a manual intervention. The Vera running this PLEG had restarted several times today due to changes made in the linked Vera but the changes all occurred during the time the schedule should have reflected FALSE.

Are you sure it was not restarting when it should have turned off.
If it missed the schedule it will stay true until the off time the next day.

Note if you use an interval off time … As opposed to an absolute off time … Even if Vera was rebooting during the scheduled off time … It would have shut off when it restarted because the interval will have expired.