PLEG Schedule issue?

I noticed that the pool pump in my house in the US (I am in the UK, 5 hours ahead) was running at 4AM US local time. It should have gone off at about 8PM US local time the day before.

I got a PLEG status and it appears that the schedule sPoolSched is true at just gone 5AM US local time. (you have to subtract 5 hours from the status report header because I ran the status report from the UK).

It has never done this before (that I have noticed) - any ideas why sPoolSched is true at 5AM local time?

See attachment.

Thanks, JohnK.

[quote=“kennedyj, post:1, topic:186803”]I noticed that the pool pump in my house in the US (I am in the UK, 5 hours ahead) was running at 4AM US local time. It should have gone off at about 8PM US local time the day before.

I got a PLEG status and it appears that the schedule sPoolSched is true at just gone 5AM US local time. (you have to subtract 5 hours from the status report header because I ran the status report from the UK).

It has never done this before (that I have noticed) - any ideas why sPoolSched is true at 5AM local time?

See attachment.

Thanks, JohnK.[/quote]

I wish I could tell you the solution, I’ve seen occasions where a schedule didn’t run when it was supposed to — it SEEMS to happen more often with the LivingRroom Tracklights but the emphasis is on SEEMS. Once the schedule fails in my systems the schedule never runs properly again until its forced manually (Do It Now) I haven’t come up with any evidence or relationship to any other event otherwise I’d have reported it to Richard … but without something to go its pretty hard for him to “fix” things, assuming its even PLEG at fault and not something external :slight_smile:

When you create a Schedule it uses the TimeZone of Vera.
When you look at the timestamps in the status report it uses the timezone of the browser!
So it’s working properly.

I missed the report time … probably your Vera was rebooting/reloading at the scheduled OFF time.
I always recommend using INTERVAL times … If you miss an absolute time (because of Vera restart) then it will not execute until the NEXT absolute time happens.

You can change the OFF time to an interval of: 12:00:00

You can also remove ALL absolute schedules from your PLEG and be fail-safe


cPoolOn sPoolInterVal and (8:00:00; sPoolInterval; 20:00:03)
CPoolOff not CPoolOn
CPoolHtrOn cPoolOn and tPoolVirtSwOn
CPoolHtrOff not CPoolHtrOn

[quote=“RichardTSchaefer, post:4, topic:186803”]You can also remove ALL absolute schedules from your PLEG and be fail-safe


cPoolOn sPoolInterVal and (8:00:00; sPoolInterval; 20:00:03)
CPoolOff not CPoolOn
CPoolHtrOn cPoolOn and tPoolVirtSwOn
CPoolHtrOff not CPoolHtrOn[/quote]

Richard, does the same concern apply to “Day of Week” schedules? That’s the type that APPEARS to occasionally fails for me. The Living Room Lights are on two schedules, WeekDay and WeekEnd. The WeekDay schedule runs M,T,W,T,F at one hour before Sunset and ends T,W,T,F,S at an absolute 01:00:00. The Weekend one starts S,S at one hours before Sunset and ends S,M at 03:00:00.

Day of Week" schedules?

If it’s not an interval, it’s an absolute time schedule. If Vera is NOT running when an absolute time is supposed to expire … it will not happen until it’s NEXT scheduled time.


Thanks for clarifying the timestamps in the status report - that did confuse me.

As for as I can see there was no power failure the day of the ‘missed’ off schedule - but I cannot be sure. I checked Vera and the pool pump was still running at 5AM because sPoolSched was still true even though it should have been false after 8PM.

I’ll try your alternative…

cPoolOn sPoolInterVal and (8:00:00; sPoolInterval; 20:00:03)
CPoolOff not CPoolOn

… I assume that cPoolOn will get evaluated every sPoolInterval and become true between the hours 08:00:00 and 20:00:03 every day of the week - is that right?


Yes that is correct.

It’s not just a power fail … Vera restarts itself lots of times because of bugs, memory limits, …

Sorry to resurrect this after so long but I have just got around to implementing it!!! (guests in the house and I didn’t want to take the risk).

I have hit a problem in that the pool pump starts correctly but switches off 2 minutes later. I guess this is because sPoolInterval becomes false after 2 minutes causing a re-evaluation of the conditions and cPoolOFF now becomes true. The trouble is I cannot think of a way to stop this happening without going back to the “old” method of using an absolute time schedule.

See the attached PLEG Report

Any ideas.

Thanks, JohnK

I thought that’s what you wanted …

What are your requirements ?

What I want to happen is:

  1. Every day at 10:30-ish the pool pump is started.
  2. Every 10 minutes re-send action associated with cPoolON (this is to ensure that it always starts after a power fail that are common in the area).
  3. At 16:00 turn the pool pump off.
  4. Every 10 minutes resend the action associated with cPoolOFF (to defeat any joker that manually turns the pump back on).

I’m using the period 10:30-16:00 when no people are staying in the house.

I’m ignoring the pool heater at the moment.

I hope it is now clearer. Sorry for the confusion.



cIntervalTimer On - Interval every 10 minutes, Off interval 1 minute


cPumpOn (10:30; cIntervalTimer; 16:00)
cPumpOff !CPumpOn

You need Repeats for BOTH conditions if you want the commands sent every 10 minutes.

Got it all working now -thanks!
