PLEG Field Length on Conditions

Is there a limit on the length of how many characters can be in a condition?

I get a (repeatable undesirable) event occurring. If I edit this string, and then change focus of the mouse (just by pressing OK or even changing applications) it will add characters to the expression. You can see it in the attachment. My logic is as follows. I am going to edit the Conditions to make their names shorter and see if that works.

My logic has to do with putting together a watering schedule along with my water restrictions, the weather, a manual override and time of the year. I can only water MWF and I cut that back in the rainier months, cancel with certain weather, blah blah blah.

the desired, which actually works and “fits” but I cannot even try to edit it without it getting corrupted with extra stuff:

(NOT (TheWeather eq ‘Rain’)) AND (NOT (TheWeather eq ‘Thunderstorm’)) AND (NOT (TheWeather eq ‘Drizzle’)) AND LawnSchedule AND (WaterSaver==0) AND (((Monday OR Wednesday OR Saturday) AND (Season eq ‘Winter’)) OR ((Wednesday OR Saturday) AND (Season eq ‘Spring’)) OR ((Saturday) AND (Season eq ‘Summer’)) OR ((Wednesday OR Saturday) AND (Season eq ‘Autumn’)))

it got messed up into this with the change focus:

(NOT (TheWeather eq ‘Rain’)) AND (NOT (TheWeather eq ‘Thunderstorm’)) AND (NOT (TheWeather eq ‘Drizzle’)) AND LawnSchedule AND (WaterSaver==0) AND (((Monday OR Wednesday OR Saturday) AND (Season eq ‘Winter’)) OR ((Wednesday OR Saturday) AND (Season eq ‘Spring’)) OR ((Saturday) AND (Season eq ‘SummerSpring’)) OR ((Saturday) AND (Season eq ‘Summer’)) OR ((Wednesday OR SaturdSummer’)) OR ((Wednesday OR Saturday) AND (Season eq ‘Autumn’)))

And then it got really bad…

Could it be Safari causing this?