PLEG doesn't work anymore, after working for two months


i have this program in PLEG, attachment,

It worked fine for several months, but now since a week something changed? but I didn’t change a thing…

What can it be?

but I didn't change a thing..
You may not have done but your Status report shows that PLEG auto-updated to V5.6.

Some users have found that they need to edit their Conditions (without actually changing anything) and then Save/Reload to get their PLEGs resynchronized after the V5.6 update.

I notice you have underscore prefixes on your Trigger and Schedule names. I don’t know that this would cause problems but the underscore prefix has special significance in PLEG Condition names so it is possible that one of the new V5.6 features could react to this. If the edit-and-save doesn’t help, you could try removing the underscores.

Thanks Rex,
I will try this first.

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The _ in the Inputs should not be a problem.

People do a lot of casting … I double checked and added casting tests to my test cases. I do not see a problem.
In your case, casting means you are converting boolean values to integer values to compare them.

Your ON condition could have been simply written as:
(_mawodorf OR _diazaso or _madwodozoLate or _vrzaLate) and _atHome

When you say it does not work … can you be more specific. Referencing your Status report … Can you show which timer did or did not work and at what time ? What was the sequence that you are expecting.

Looking at the logic, I believe you want your Conditions to Re-Trigger when they are already true.
So I think that renaming your conditions from On to _On and SonosBK to _SonosBK will solve your problems.
In this case when an input trigger or schedule happens … and the condition is already true … it will still fire the actions.

I have fixed up some bugs when I stared recording OFF times that would have changed the behavior. Previously there were lots of times that conditions would have been changed to false when they should not have.
More people will now have to explicitly rename their conditions with an underscore prefix character to get the correct multi-trigger behavior.

Hi Richard,
You understood my intentions correct. It has to be retriggered, in a earlier condition i did not place the underscore. And it wouldn’t work.

I changed all you mentioned, now let’s see what happens.



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Same thing has happened to me, so this is not a fluke. Have a simple schedule in pleg that turns on light at sunset and turns it off at 2am. Did not do either yesterday. My schedule for my thermostat stopped working, not good. Not near my computer right now so can’t upload anything. But as previously stated, everything had been working for over a month, nothing changed. I tried power cycling the Vera, didn’t help. I tried firing a pleg schedule on demand to get my thermostat to change the set point, didn’t work, action didn’t trigger even though the condition showed true.

didn't trigger even though the condition showed true.

Actions ONLY fire when a condition transitions from FALSE to TRUE unless the condition name starts with an underscore.
In that case it will fire actions every time the condition evaluates to TRUE see my comments a few posts early why some people are seeing changes.

[quote=“RichardTSchaefer, post:7, topic:179061”]Actions ONLY fire when a condition transitions from FALSE to TRUE unless the condition name starts with an underscore.
In that case it will fire actions every time the condition evaluates to TRUE see my comments a few posts early why some people are seeing changes.[/quote]

But if the scheduled timer shows false, why does the condition state still show true?

Richard, understood. So if I’m using the Day/Night plugin and I have a schedule that starts at Sunset, and a condition that tests if that schedule is true, why wouldn’t an action fire? I see the trigger firing at sunset in the Vera. Do I have to now set a stop type to that schedule (to make it false again)? Or put an underscore in front of the schedule name?

Like I said, this has been working for weeks until yesterday. Thanks for your assistance here.

But if the scheduled timer shows false, why does the condition state still show true?

A schedule that only has an ON time specification only evaluates the conditions when it becomes true. A Schedule that has an ON and an OFF schedule evaluates the conditions at both times with the appropriate value.

So if you have an a schedule called Morning that turns on every day at 8:00 AM
and you have a condition

StartCoffee Morning

This condition will turn true the first day at 8:00 … and stay true forever. So you will not be a happy camper without your coffee.

Two solutions:

  1. Add an Off Time to the Schedule.
  2. Rename the condition from StartCoffee to _StartCoffee
    This latter solutions indicates that you want actions to fire every time StartCoffee evaluates to true, not just the first time.

I fixed bugs that were causing conditions to get set to false. And a lot of people depended on these bugs. Because then there actions would fire (At least most of the time)

I thought out both solutions, the optimal one (for me) seems to be underscore the condition names. Did some initial testing with the Day/Night plugin as a trigger and things seem back to normal for the conditions I’ve test so far. Thanks Richard.