Pleg disarming

I have over the last month or so observed some strange behaviour in one of my plegs.
What happens is that I notice that some of my logic is not firing. If I then go and the UI the pleg is disarmed.
I dont have any scenes (as I am aware of) that do anything with the arm/disarm function of the pleg.

Is there any modifying of the pleg that ressults in the pleg disarming?


PLEG could be disarmed by one of these:

Its own Condition with the name Bypass that becomes true.

Its own Action for itself SetArmed newArmedValue=0.

A SetArmed action in a scene, another PLEG or PLTS, another plugin, Startup Lua, etc.

If it’s happening through an action, there should be evidence in LuaUPnP.log.

Thank you for your reply.
I have setup a trigger so I will be notified the next time it happends.
But then I understand it correct that there is no editing in the pleg that can make it disarm.

But then I understand it correct that there is no editing in the pleg that can make it disarm.
Provided you do not have a Condition called [b]Bypass[/b], editing the PLEG configuration should not affect the Arm/Bypass state.

You could also turn on PLEG’s debug logging. Click Log on PLEG’s Control tab and select Debug in Standalone File then close, save and refresh. Now when you click the Log button, you can see everything that happened in that PLEG.