PLEG - Changing condition code...

I upgraded to the newest PLEG last night and now find it quite difficult to modify conditions. I click edit but it won’t let me cursor out where I want to make the change and do it. What’s the secret???

It is quit difficult. I use the keyboard arrow keys to navigate. I helps, but will change back is you are not typing.

Same here, was a nightmare just to add “and xyz” to the end of an existing condition

I’ve tried to use the arrow keys but, as you said, it changes right back. I know there are some new features that are supposed to be in this release but if I’m going to have to fight to modify rules, I will revert to the previous release until they fix this. Hopefully they’ll get on this soon…

For the time being, I have rolled my PLEG back to the previous version (restored a backup) and turned off the auto update. There has to be a way to edit conditions that doesn’t require standing on my head and holding my tongue at some archaic angle in order to type in one character and then do it all over again for the next one.