PLEG - action repeat

I am trying to get the PLEG to repeat an action 5 times with 1 second interval, when a condition is met.

Is this possible ? - and if so - what is the best way to do it ? (using PLTS ?)


You can set up delays for any action in PLEG or PLTS. When you go to define what the action is you will see “immediate” in the upper left corner. If you click on the down arrow there will be an option to manage delays. From there you can set up 4 1 second delays and define what each one does independently. Including “immediate” this will give you 5. In practice 1 second may be a bit short. You may need to increase slightly.


if I understand you correct I would need to add 5 conditions in total ? I was wondering if it’s possible to repeat an action x times with a certain interval instead of this work around ?


You do not need 5 conditions. In PLEG actions, you define the action for your condition, which is in your case 5 seperate actions. As @pacificdune explained:

When you go to define what the action is you will see "immediate" in the upper left corner. If you click on the down arrow there will be an option to manage delays. From there you can set up 4 1 second delays and define what each one does independently

So you have 1 action, but within this action you can define more actions and their delays, in your case 1 second. And each of those delayed actions can be the same or something else. So if you want the same action repeated 5 times you always choose the same for every delay

Ah - got it now ;D
