Please help a newbee get started

:-\ Please help me find the most basic information about using altui: What are the system requirements, where is the download – hopefully with detailed install instructions, etc.

I’ve looked for at least 30 minutes, including searches, before asking for help. I’m really lost :-\

Thank you, thank you !!,78.0.html

I appreciate your time to respond, Don – thank you. But I’ve browsed and “searched” this forum – and Google. I cannot find the specific details I need to get started from ground zero. Actually I need a “getting started/installation” guide rather than a reference manual.

search for “Alternate UI” in the apps section of your vera - install it from there then in a browser type

http://IP of your vera/port_3480/data_request?id=lr_ALTUI_Handler&command=home&home=pageDevices

that should get you started

Dennis, most things Vera related you have to read and study to figure out. I found no “cook books” to do anything. Sorry.

[quote=“NikV, post:4, topic:196284”]search for “Alternate UI” in the apps section of your vera - install it from there then in a browser type

http://IP of your vera/port_3480/data_request?id=lr_ALTUI_Handler&command=home&home=pageDevices

that should get you started[/quote]

Thank you for a lead, NikV. :slight_smile:

It is a standard plugin with no prerequisites. It does not do anything fancy during install so it can be installed and uninstalled easily. Once installed the URL below can be used but also from the device setting page there is a "open local " button to use. You can then bookmark that page

EDIT: otherwise the post “ALTUI : Readme first” is the key one to start with