Ping Sensor

Thanks pepebel4 for the extra bit of code that needed adding to make the sensor trigger a scene


Now as i approach my house vera picks my iPhone (my router has a fixed ip address for my iPhone) by using the ping plugin and then i get a push message received on my iPhone, ‘Welcome Home’. Will be looking to have it trigger other scenes too, as soon as i acquire more z wave devices, now that my iPhone acts as a proximity sensor.



[quote=“pepebel4, post:40, topic:164895”]Hello,
Could you tell me how to create a device ‘the normal way’?
I selected Developers → Create Device and entered D_PingSensor.xml into the column
UpnpDevFilename. But that creates a new device without any real options. So I guess I must be doing something wrong :frowning:

Pascal[/quote]After adding it, try a second save (or dashboard refresh ) again and it may populate the rest of the options for you!

[quote=“m0jon, post:41, topic:164895”]Thanks pepebel4 for the extra bit of code that needed adding to make the sensor trigger a scene


Now as i approach my house vera picks my iPhone (my router has a fixed ip address for my iPhone) by using the ping plugin and then i get a push message received on my iPhone, ‘Welcome Home’. Will be looking to have it trigger other scenes too, as soon as i acquire more z wave devices, now that my iPhone acts as a proximity sensor.



Going to do this… curious how quickly your iPhone switches from 3g to your home WIFI? Is it something where you trigger immediately, or are you already at the front door by the time it connects?


My iphone only activates the wifi if I start the mail app.

This makes the iphone as a presences detector useless.

Could a bluetooth connection work better?
Are there tools to detect bluetooth devices? Can this trigger an event in Vera?

[quote=“evanes, post:44, topic:164895”]My iphone only activates the wifi if I start the mail app.

This makes the iphone as a presences detector useless.

Could a bluetooth connection work better?
Are there tools to detect bluetooth devices? Can this trigger an event in Vera?[/quote]

I tried going down this route, having a Linux server do an l2ping for the phone, since the BT stays up if the phone is powered on at all. Problem is that l2ping will hang when the phone’s not in range, and nothing I did to set the “timeout” shorter worked. So I went to doing a btscan or whatever it is that simply scans for devices within range, and then parsed the results with Perl looking for my phone’s BTADDR. That worked, but was pretty range-limited. Then I went down the “aircable” BT device rathole–they have devices that are good for much longer distances, but for BT, it’s symmetric–if the phone is good for 10m, it doesn’t matter if the thing that is trying to identify it is good for 4K–you still get 10m.

You also won’t have BlueZ or Perl on Vera, so this would have to be proxied off to some other machine running 24/7. We have Linux servers in the house, but for a lot of folks, this isn’t an option.

I finally threw in the towel. Guessed has a nice system working using RFID. Once I get some other fires put out, I’m planning on setting up his stuff with passive tags in the cars. But no hurry.


I can’t claim that one, that piece of handywork is @woodsby’s 8)

Has anyone tried the Ping_Sensor in UI4?

I was able to create a device and the variables for ip address, period, trigger etc showed up. It seemed to ping the IP only if I saved/restarted vera instead of an ongoing basis.

The fact that the UI just showed a generic device was expected.


It works for me although I remember when I first installed it I had some troubles getting it to work.

When you say a generic device, what do you mean?

I can’t claim that one, that piece of handywork is @woodsby’s 8)[/quote]

It’s active RFID, not passive, and thanks to Guessed (and others) it is in much better shape than when I started. Although it’s active, they say the advanced 40m tags last 4-5 years on one set of batteries. Who knows where we’ll be in 4-5 years… right?

I got it to work. Important fact seems to be to put in the urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:MotionSensor:1 device type when creating the device. If I add it later, it won’t work.

I’ve played with IPhone detection and I’m seeing the same problem as was noted before. The IPhone goes off the air when it is inactive, so this won’t work for presence sensing.

Does anyone have the link to the RFID approach that was mentioned?

Check I havent updated the docs since I changed the code, but the install hasn’t changed other than adding one more file than is listed in the docs. Download all the files from the browse source page.

Thanks, I found it. The RFID approach is pretty cool.

Hi, I’m trying to setup the Ping sensor in 1183 but is not working :(. I’m creating device with D_PingSensor.xml as UpnpDevFilename. I also tried including urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:MotionSensor:1 as DeviceType. Am I missing anything?

I’m still having issues with Ping Sensor. I dig into log and Tripped var is updating fine, however, my Vera doesn’t recognize it as a sensor in the scenes config. Besides, the device doesn’t show the arm and Bypass buttons.

Somebody is having the same issue? Somebody can help me?

[quote=“mcardenas, post:54, topic:164895”]I’m still having issues with Ping Sensor. I dig into log and Tripped var is updating fine, however, my Vera doesn’t recognize it as a sensor in the scenes config. Besides, the device doesn’t show the arm and Bypass buttons.

Somebody is having the same issue? Somebody can help me?[/quote]
Same here, any updates from anyone running a ping sensor on 1183?

Scratch that. Got it working, now just need to deal with the iPhone wifi going to sleep when the phone is not awake. Any ideas?

How do you get it working?

Combination of adding urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:MotionSensor:1 as the Device type when adding the device as ZMaF said. And you need to follow these instructions:

[quote=“pepebel4”]I modifed the D_PingSensor.xml.
I added after the devicetype :


Adding this line enables the device to be selected when creating a scene.
Hope that works out for you too.
Tested this evening; works perfect! When I come home in the evening with my iPad; my home welcomes
me with turning on the lights:) Cheaper then a motion sensor (taken into account you already have an iphone/ipad :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: )[/quote]

Hey Jedi, thanks a lot. It worked! Now I can see the buttons and the blue or red icon on Vera’s interface.

However, the arm and bypass buttons doesn’t work. Both of them shows a “Delivery failed” error. Any idea?

I get the same thing, however the ‘arm’ and ‘bypass’ does actually work through the Mobile Phone GUI. Go figure. lol.

I used this once to unlock my front door and turn on the outside light and inside lights when I pull into my driveway It was cool, I like the RFID approach better tho because waiting for my android to connect to my LAN takes too much time to make it practical.

I would think that this Ping Utility would be awesome combined with a WOL plugin. For instance, to turn on my server via layer 2 packet (WOL) when the ping utility gets a reply from my PS3 being turned on.