Phantom Scenes

I see that Vera creates scenes for every notification that a user adds. It shows up in the Json output and seems identical in every way to a normal scene. Does your program filter these unwanted scenes out? If yes…what is your secret?
If you can answer this…Thanks!
Tim Alls
AllSeas Yachts


SQ Remote checks to make sure that the Scene has an ID and a name. If these internally created scenes look the same in the JSON document as a user created scene then SQ Remote will not be able to differentiate between the two.



Square Connect, Inc.

You should check for “notification_only” in the scene json to get rid of those notification scenes.

Take a look at another thread…

Posts: 383 Re: New Report Generator....with Screenshot « Reply #20 on: Today at 06:49:58 am »

Quote from: Ap15e on May 16, 2011, 11:50:06 pm
Doesn’t the JSON for your notification scene ‘test’ contain the attribute ‘notification_only’? Are there ‘normal’ scenes that contain the JSON attribute ‘notification_only’?

IMHO, MCV should think about shifting notification scenes to room -1 … or add a Luup extension for identifying notification scenes.

I just checked the raw JSON file and I am not getting any such attributes. By simply adding in that one notification to a security zone it created the scene “test” and it is identical to normal scenes. Does the SQRemote have this problem? If not what is their secret?

I checked the Raw JSON file and the scene created by the notification did not have ‘notification_only’ any where in the JSON file.
This maybe something unique to the new firmware…I am going to add an optional room “0” filter to take care of the problem.

Tim Alls
AllSeas Yachts

It’s one of the many differences between the “sdata” and the “user_data2” outputs.

“[tt]sdata[/tt]” is the newer format, introduced after many of the control points were already built. It’s much more compact, and is targeted solely at Control Points that “use” MiOS. It’s been trimmed of a lot of stuff, and apparently [tt]notification_only[/tt] is one of these things.

“[tt]user_data2[/tt]” (or the even older “[tt]user_data[/tt]”) format are what MiOS itself uses for the Design interface. The Original Control points also use this. It’s become seriously bloated over it’s life as more functionality packs into the various UI3…4 revs. It does, however, contain everything you can see/touch/edit under UI4… It also contains a lot of stuff it shouldn’t, but that’s another story…

Great news…I will use the user_data2 on the first pass to gather system information then switch to the other format for updated values.
I figured it had to be something simple…thanks for setting me straight.

I see that Vera creates scenes for every notification that a user adds
So if I have 50 scenes with events and notifications for each, I basically have 100 scenes? Whoa, that could be a significant load on my system.

That’s one tweak I’m going to apply tonight to see if it increases my headroom.
Thank you for the enlightenment.

*Edit. Removing all notifications and enabling all my inactive scenes, it’s maintaining the status quo. :smiley:
Would this phantom scene scenario hold true for each additional user on a system as well?
(50 scenes each with a notification = 100 scenes, 2 users each with notifications = 200 scenes?)


[quote=“JOD, post:7, topic:168354”]

I see that Vera creates scenes for every notification that a user adds

So if I have 50 scenes with events and notifications for each, I basically have 100 scenes? Whoa, that could be a significant load on my system.
That’s one tweak I’m going to apply tonight to see if it increases my headroom.
Thank you for the enlightenment.
*Edit. Removing all notifications and enabling all my inactive scenes, it’s maintaining the status quo. :smiley:
Would this phantom scene scenario hold true for each additional user on a system as well?
(50 scenes each with a notification = 100 scenes, 2 users each with notifications = 200 scenes?)[/quote]
I just checked my SQRemote program and it brings up notification scenes as well. I am just getting into notifications so I have never seen them popup before. For you, with over fifty notifications it will be annoying as hell to separate them out when making assignments with SQRemote. Maybe MCV will take notice and make a change here…someday.

I’ve put this into SquareConnect’s internal Ticketing/Tracking system for you so they have a formal record of it.

[quote=“guessed, post:9, topic:168354”]@TimAlls,
I’ve put this into SquareConnect’s internal Ticketing/Tracking system for you so they have a formal record of it.[/quote]
The deeper I dig the more fun stuff I uncover!