Outside and Inside Scenes?

maybe i’m going senile but I don’t remember creating an inside and outside on scene and yet they’re there… The triggers are when scene 0 and scene 1 are activated (or deactivated). What exactly does that mean as a trigger? Is that when the unit is put into home and away mode respectively?

Does anyone else have these (see attached screenshot)?

I have one called Outside Lights On and one called Outside Lights Off but I definitely created them myself.
Do you actually have a scene controller?

[quote=“gwichman, post:1, topic:189596”]maybe i’m going senile but I don’t remember creating an inside and outside on scene and yet they’re there… The triggers are when scene 0 and scene 1 are activated (or deactivated). What exactly does that mean as a trigger? Is that when the unit is put into home and away mode respectively?

Does anyone else have these (see attached screenshot)?[/quote]

You’ll probley find they were auto created by one of your devices, scene controller or something else that you setup.

ah that might explain it… i do indeed have a Leviton VRCZ4-MRZ although the only thing that I changed recently is put a few more z-wave devices in the house. Maybe the vera is actually able to talk to the thing now that there are some other devices nearby (it used to have a lot of problems talking to it because of the distance).

That might also explain why the only device that is associated with the scene is the rear door light which is technically the topmost switch on the Leviton. So if i’m reading this scene correctly, when the two triggers are that scene 0 or scene 1 is activated, and the only action is to turn the rear light off (for the outside off scene) and on (for the outside on scene), that means what exactly?

how do i figure out what scene 0 and scene 1 are for triggers?

Click on the little Pencil to edit the scene and see what it is triggering.

its activating the rear light device but i dont know what a trigger of scene 0 or scene 1 means. under what circumstances does a scene 0 or scene 1 trigger fire off?

I’m assuming that you’ll find more info in the device VRCZ4-MRZ in the dashboard.

Thanks I did indeed. I suspect it’s simply the way the switch triggers the rear light that is connected to the first button since the first button also doubles as a scene controller.

Yes, scene controllers usually create and work with scenes… ;D