Option Request - Display On/Off buttons separately

I have several x-10 devices on my network that I am using with the mochad plugin. The only problem with X-10 is that the vera doesn’t really know the status of the module since they could be turned on with local control and this does not get reported back. Also X-10 doesn’t support polling.

Anyhow, can you separate the On/Off into two buttons. Right now if the light is on but vera thinks it is off, then I have to click it on first and then off. The web plugin has them as seprate buttons, so this would be more in line with that design.

Also, are you open to having other developers work on this project? I have mostly done windows mobile development and have just started Android. Your app is feature packed, but I would like to help out with some of the feature requests that are coming in. Just a thought.

thanks for the great app!

I actually have the same problem with the Yale Deadbolt that I just recently purchased, so that would help me too. Thanks for the suggestion!

Unfortunately the project isn’t open source (at least for now). There’s a lot I need to look into before doing so – mostly having to do with protecting intellectual property. I appreciate your interest in helping though.

Glad you like the app!