Openluup install on rPi2

I just wanted to express my gratitude to Akbooer for this innovative system and to CudaNet for his help in trouble shooting my setup to get it running.

My raspberry pi 2 now runs openluup and bridges to my vera. I followed the step by step instructions posted by CudaNet in file linux_r02 in the link (post #9)

I am hoping the openluup will bridge to the new Vera unit with zigbee that is soon to be released.

Thanks again Akbooer and CudaNet :slight_smile:

Glad to hear it’s going well - let us know how it continues with Vera Plus!

PS: you also need to thank @amg0 for AltUI, without which this simply wouldn’t be possible!

No problem, very glad to have helped out…

[quote=“synapse007, post:1, topic:190795”]I just wanted to express my gratitude to Akbooer for this innovative system and to CudaNet for his help in trouble shooting my setup to get it running.

My raspberry pi 2 now runs openluup and bridges to my vera. I followed the step by step instructions posted by CudaNet in file linux_r02 in the link (post #9)

I am hoping the openluup will bridge to the new Vera unit with zigbee that is soon to be released.

Thanks again Akbooer and CudaNet :)[/quote]

Hi Cudanet,

Thanks for the Pi instructions sure is saving me hours. Setting it all up on Raspbian Jessie Lite right now. I did find one minor suggested step order change. Do 11, step 5 (reload lighttpd) after 12 step 6 so the /www symlink is created.

I was also wondering if it is needed to create a /var/log/cmh folder or not for ALTUI?

Cheers Rene

You’re very welcome … I’ll look into the change …

I’ve found that almost all troubleshooting begins within the LuaUPnP.log and LuaUPnP.log.x. I discovered an issue on OpenWrt whereby the system would wipe that folder out completely on a restart. I didn’t discover it for days and it didn’t behave out of sorts. So, I’ll leave it at your discretion and if it happens to cause an issue then we can always make mention of it within the guide.

As always, I truly appreciate the feedback as it will help others…

I was also wondering if it is needed to create a /var/log/cmh folder or not for ALTUI?

Just to clarify: the /var/log/cmh folder is simply there to hold a specially formatted (Vera look-alike) subset of the log file which ONLY contains scene triggers and variable changes and which can be viewed by the default AltUI OS command ‘Tail Logs’.

There’s nothing there that isn’t in /etc/cmh-ludl/LuaUPnP.log