openLuup + 2 Vera controller : House mode


Using openluup (on PINE64) with 2 Vera (Plus and Edge). I didn’t connect the Edge and Plus together, just added them using VeraBridge. So in openLuup/ALTUI I can see my 2 vera controller.

How to sync with all 3 devices the house mode ?

Anything directly in openluup will handle that ?

[quote=“DesT, post:1, topic:193502”]How to sync with all 3 devices the house mode ?

Anything directly in openluup will handle that ?[/quote]

[quote=“openLuup User Guide, p.10”]Synchronising House Mode

The bridge has a device variable HouseModeMirror, which you can set to one of three values:

[ul][li]“0” : no mirroring,[/li]
[li]“1” : local mirrors remote machine,[/li]
[li]“2” : remote mirrors local machine.[/li][/ul]

You have to reload to make this change effective. Because of Vera’s built-in delay in changing HouseMode, mode 2 can take a while (typically 30 seconds or more) to kick in, but they should synchronise in the end.
Note that it?s not easily possible to have this synchronisation work in both directions simultaneously because of a race condition that arises from the latency of Vera changing modes. You can, however, have openLuup mirror one bridged Vera?s mode and have other bridged Veras which mirror that.[/quote]

So this means that you can sync both Veras to the openLuup house mode, or indeed any of the two to the other one. But one machine has to be the ‘master’: you can’t have all responding to any machine which has a mode change.


Just to make sure, I understand.

1 = openLuup GET the value from the REMOTE vera
2 = openLuup SET the value for the REMOTE vera

So, if I put both verabridge with 2, that mean , openLuup will be the MASTER for both vera ?

EDIT: I can also put one of them with 1 and the other one with 2 and the one with 1 will be the master…

[quote=“akbooer, post:2, topic:193502”][quote=“DesT, post:1, topic:193502”]How to sync with all 3 devices the house mode ?

Anything directly in openluup will handle that ?[/quote]

[quote=“openLuup User Guide, p.10”]Synchronising House Mode

The bridge has a device variable HouseModeMirror, which you can set to one of three values:

[ul][li]“0” : no mirroring,[/li]
[li]“1” : local mirrors remote machine,[/li]
[li]“2” : remote mirrors local machine.[/li][/ul]

You have to reload to make this change effective. Because of Vera’s built-in delay in changing HouseMode, mode 2 can take a while (typically 30 seconds or more) to kick in, but they should synchronise in the end.
Note that it?s not easily possible to have this synchronisation work in both directions simultaneously because of a race condition that arises from the latency of Vera changing modes. You can, however, have openLuup mirror one bridged Vera?s mode and have other bridged Veras which mirror that.[/quote]

So this means that you can sync both Veras to the openLuup house mode, or indeed any of the two to the other one. But one machine has to be the ‘master’: you can’t have all responding to any machine which has a mode change.[/quote]

Yes, you have that correct.