I’ve set up OpenHAB2 on my Synology NAS but am having trouble getting the MIOS binding to work with my Vera3.
OH2 seems to be running ok on my NAS. I’ve installed a few bindings including Network, Autelis, Ecobee and Sonos, which are mostly working ok.
I have also attempted to install the MIOS binding. The Add-Ons tab (in PaperUI) claims that it has been installed but it’s not showing up in the Configuration/Bindings tab.
I activated 'include legacy 1.x bindings" and re-installed the MIOS binding but nothing changed.
The MAP and RegEx Transformations have been installed. (I didn’t do this… either the OH2 package or the MIOS binding installed them.)
Do I have to manually create or edits some configuration files? Are there any Synology settings that i need to adjust? I’ve searched a few forums for help but most of the posts relate to OH1 or the OH2 Beta and I’m not sure if the advice is reliable.
I’d appreciate some guidance. OH2 looks great… if only I could get it working with my Vera and z-wave devices…
Yes, you still need to do the script part to generate the file for the house.items
When you go to http://:8080/start/index you get the choice to which of the (installed) UI’s you want to go. You configure (but doesnt seem to work) in PaperUI, but the real deal is in the HAB Panel UI. You can there configure/design your buttons and actions.
The guide for installing OH2 on a Synology NAS indicates that “The configuration files are located at: /volume1/@appstore/openHAB2/userdata/config”. See http://docs.openhab.org/installation/synology.html#installation. However, when I check the directory structure of my NAS I only see a directory called /homes/openhab2. There are only two items in the directory - a 1kb file called .profile. and a sub-directory called .karaf, which contains a 0kb files called karaf.history.
This tells me (I think) that the OH2 installation process hasn’t completed properly. I installed Java SE 8 prior to installing the OH2 package as per the instructions.
Was I meant to manually creates any directories or set any Synology user permissions? The instructions don’t mention this but something’s is not quite right…
I found the following, which explains why there is no config file: “One thing to be aware of is any configuration done in PaperUI or Habmin gets saved to a non-human readable database.” See http://docs.openhab.org/tutorials/migration
But surely I should see more than the couple of empty files referred to above?
Anyway, I thought I might run the ‘item file generator’ tool and see what it produced.
The MiOS Binding is based upon openHAB 1.x. When you run it under openHAB 2.x, it runs within the compatibility layer.
In the case of the MiOS Binding, it needs the MiOS Item Generator to be run in order to generate an Items file. You’ll also need to tweak the (OH2) [tt]mios.cfg[/tt] file to tell me where your Vera is running.
I went through the setup today, using Ubuntu 16 (xenial) and the Items files from my OH1 configuration. It all appears to be working, except that the MiOS Binding itself doesn’t show on the (OH2) Bindings page… no idea why it’s missing as it is installed)
Anyhow, the MiOS Item generator scripts need to be run on a Linux machine. Behind the scenes, these scripts are simple wrappers to:
[ul][li] reading the XML from your Vera over a HTTP URL AND;[/li]
[li] XML transform it to make the Items file.[/li][/ul]
Both these steps can be done (manually) using a Browser (download) an online transformation services (XML + XSL → output)
To manually get the config of your Vera: http://${MIOS_IP}:49451/data_request?id=user_data&output_format=xml
@Guessed is right
The Mios binding works perfectly with Openhab2.
To easen life you indeed better use the items generator script (and then manually check the output because some FIXME strings might be present).
The documentation on the OH1 wiki for the binding is still valid.
This is so typical. You spend days trying to get something to work that others do in 5 minutes, and as soon as you decide to reach out and ask for help… you somehow make it work. I managed to install ipkg on my synology, then libxslt so I could use xsltproc and now I have my house.items file
So, here are the steps I took, for any future linux newbie (like me) who is looking for step-by-step instructions. Someone may want to chip in and provide a more optimal way of doing certain things. I’m sure some of the steps I took were detours.
Use SSH (or Putty) to connect to your Synology box
type “cd /volume1/@appstore”
type “mkdir openHAB2Scripts” to create a folder to host the ItemGenerator scripts
Find your Synology model and copy the URL to the relevant IPKG package to your clipboard (or store it in a text file somewhere on your PC)
type “mkdir tmp” and “cd tmp”
type “wget <url_you_copied>” (it should now copy the xsh file into the tmp folder)
type “chmod +x <package_file_name>” (so you can execute the script file)
type “sudo sh <package_file_name>” (you will be asked for your password)
type “cd …” and then “rm -rf tmp” (this will remove the tmp dir, since you don’t need it anymore)
(if you want to check out what ipkg can do, type “ipkg --help”, or just continue below if you don’t want to bother)
type “ipkg update” (this updates ipkg’s list of packages it can get and install)
type “ipkg list” (this should give you a big list of packages you can install)
type “ipkg install libxslt” (this should install the package, giving you access to xsltproc"
type “xsltproc -version” (if you don’t get an error here, the package installed successfully)
On your PC:
Download the files in the repository (README.md, miosLoad.sh, miosTransform.sh, miosTransform.xslt) to your PC
Download WinSCP (google it, there’s a portable version you can just unzip and use) and run it
Connect to your Synology box and upload the files to the /volume1/@appstore/openHAB2Scripts folder
In SSH: (you should still be in the /volume1/@appstore/openHAB2Scripts folder)
type “bash ./miosLoad.sh <ip_of_your_vera_controller>” (you should get a message saying “Metadata Loaded into user_data.xml!”)
type “bash ./miosTransform.sh house” (you should get a message saying “Metadata Transformed into openHAB Item file house.items!”)
(I didn’t get it, but you could get a list of duplicate items you need to fix first, don’t know how to do this though, probably using WinSCP edit the house.items file)
type “cp ./house.items /volume1/@appstore/openHAB2/conf/items/house.items”
And you’re done!
I’m sure someone can comment and provide a faster/better way of doing this, but this is how I ended up figuring it out.
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