open source C# - Integration with Vera API (VeraLuupNet)

Hi all

I just wanted to share my C# solution for remotely connecting to Vera MCV API and executing luup commands.

I have implemented an easy framework in order to use it on your own Microsoft.NET projects. You can find all about it on the integration with vera example on the following link: [url=][/url]

I have also created a handy winforms application for those of you who want to quickly run some luup commands.

Project page (on github): VeraLuupNet: [url=][/url]

I would certainly love your feedback.

Hi entrodus,

Very interested in your project. Is it compatible with UI5?

Hi fhreid

I have used the official MCV API and it is tested on the latest UI7 version.
Sp the real question is whether MCV API is backwards compatible with UI5 version.

My guess is that if you have an account that works on Login , VeraLuupNet would propably work.
As i said that is just a guess, I would love any feedback on that.

Feel free to send me a private message if you want any help on seting up VeraLuupNet.

Hi entrodus,

I can log in via the aforementioned URL.

My hunch is that anything above UI5 uses a different authentication approach.

See topic:

I’m am dead set against upgrading my system based on, well, too many issues to list.

UI5 is the ONLY stable version IMO.

Let me know your thoughts and thanks for replying!


Hi Fred.

I totally understand why you do not wish to upgrade to the latest UI7 version. Still i cant even seem to find any kind of documentation on connecting to a UI5 vera server.