Onkyo Plug In

Hi Guys,

Just curious about the availability of an onkyo plug in for vera?

I have seen the Denon plug in but the denon receivers are more expensive.

also would anyone have the code for the Denon plug in as if there is no onkyo support i could probably convert the denon one?

When i go onto code.mios.com the denon link takes me into a trac wiki so i cant get the details of it.


First welcome to the forum. Second did you search the forum? There are a few threads in regards to your question. Start here:


  • Garrett

Thanks Garrett,

most of the links in the post take you to code.mios but the Element is missing.

There was a link to a zip file which i have downloaded but there is not way to tell if its the current version or a working version.

Some people have requested it be included in the Mios market place with a few detailded instructions so i’ll +1 for that

Also thanks for the welcome.