One device always losing it's route


I’m running a Vera 2 on UI5 with a few dozen devices and no plugins except for the Countdown Timer. One of the Intermatic CA 3750 switches keeps losing its route to the Vera. It had worked fine for about 9 months, but within the past week it will become unresponsive until I perform a manual “Update Neighbor Nodes”, which always succeeds in restoring it.

Any ideas why it’s getting lost each day? Is something up with the nightly heal, perhaps? Is it possible that my early morning watering scene is triggering before the heal can finish running, and that’s causing this device to be dropped?


Either of those is a possibility. It’s hard to say for sure at this point. There could be other possibilities as well.

I’m assuming that you haven’t added or moved any nodes recently.

If you’re not adding or removing any devices, the quickest fix will be to disable the nightly heal(Uncheck use Vera routing).

Since update neighbor nodes fixes it, we can surmise that the problem route isn’t in the device itself, but more likely one of its neighbors(an intermediate node), that is being used to reach the failing node.

Hi Z-Waver.

Thanks for the advice. I actually did add one device about a week before this problem began - a battery powered Everspring flood sensor. When I look at the neighbors for the CA3750 I only see two: one wired switch that is about two feet from the Vera, and this new flood sensor which is nearer the CA3750. However, I didn’t think battery powered items could be used for routing, so hopefully it’s not trying to do so. Every other device in the house lists almost two dozen devices as neighbors - this makes sense because they’re all generally within 75 feet of one another. This CA3750 only lists these two, and neither one is the closest device to it.

All that aside, things seem to be working for the past three days since my last manual neighbor update, so I’ll leave it until it flakes again.

One question - is there anything potentially destructive about turning off Vera Routing? Is is as simple as unchecking it?

Thanks a lot for your help.

[quote=“jaccord, post:3, topic:187567”]One question - is there anything potentially destructive about turning off Vera Routing? Is is as simple as unchecking it?[/quote]Yes, it is as simple as unchecking the box.

No, it is not destructive. It will simply rely on the inbuilt Z-Wave routing algorithm to calculate routing, rather than the somewhat different Vera algorithm.

No, I don’t know what the specific algorithm differences are. Vera has never disclosed theirs and I haven’t seen the Sigma Designs spec for a few years.

Ok great, thanks.

I’ll uncheck it the next time it experiences a problem and see how it goes.

Thanks a lot for your help.

[quote=“jaccord, post:5, topic:187567”]Ok great, thanks.

I’ll uncheck it the next time it experiences a problem and see how it goes.

Thanks a lot for your help.[/quote]

I had similar issues with a door lock. I did manual routing instead and found that to be a good solution. My lock’s autoroute would constantly have x’s in it meaning it was not successful in using the route to connect.

After googling and using the forum posts I essentially added the ManualUpdate variable and used the most frequently occurring devices that I saw in the AutoRoute and just put them in the manual route. I will say that my success rate with my door lock is better. Not sure why, just my experience.

[quote=“tomtcom, post:6, topic:187567”][quote=“jaccord, post:5, topic:187567”]Ok great, thanks.

I’ll uncheck it the next time it experiences a problem and see how it goes.

Thanks a lot for your help.[/quote]

I had similar issues with a door lock. I did manual routing instead and found that to be a good solution. My lock’s autoroute would constantly have x’s in it meaning it was not successful in using the route to connect.

After googling and using the forum posts I essentially added the ManualUpdate variable and used the most frequently occurring devices that I saw in the AutoRoute and just put them in the manual route. I will say that my success rate with my door lock is better. Not sure why, just my experience.[/quote]

Funny you should say this - my problem returned yesterday, and neither manual heals nor unchecking “Use Vera Routing” fixed it.

So my next step is to update the Z-Wave version to 3.2 (don’t know why I’d never done so) so that I can apply a manual route.