odd display with new KwH line


With the new KwH display I now have some device text ‘overflowing’ the device pane - see attachment - any chance that the device pane could stretch in this situation



[quote=“NikV, post:1, topic:195245”]Hiya

With the new KwH display I now have some device text ‘overflowing’ the device pane - see attachment - any chance that the device pane could stretch in this situation


streatching panel would be quite complicated. I have put a fix version in github GitHub - amg0/ALTUI: Enhancement Interface for VERA home automation system which does not display Watts info for that kind of devices

Hello amg0

Alternate UI is a great piece of work - keep it coming.

Have attached an image of kWh readout in firefox - a few queries:
Is it possible to change “Watts” to “W” and “KWH” to the more correct “kWh”?
Can the number formatting for kWh be rounded to no decimal places ie an integer readout?
The font size could also perhaps be a little smaller?

Also what is the “…” field. It appears on most of my devices eg see the “Webcam Dropbox Uploa” device in the attached image. Looks like a place marker? Can it be removed?

[quote=“a-lurker, post:3, topic:195245”]Hello amg0

Alternate UI is a great piece of work - keep it coming.

Have attached an image of kWh readout in firefox - a few queries:
Is it possible to change “Watts” to “W” and “KWH” to the more correct “kWh”?
Can the number formatting for kWh be rounded to no decimal places ie an integer readout?
The font size could also perhaps be a little smaller?

Also what is the “…” field. It appears on most of my devices eg see the “Webcam Dropbox Uploa” device in the attached image. Looks like a place marker? Can it be removed?[/quote]

yes I ll post an update in github GitHub - amg0/ALTUI: Enhancement Interface for VERA home automation system
regarding the “…” this is visual hint that tells us that this device does not have its own ALTUI plugin to display it and that is is rendered by the default renderer. these are devices that could be candidate for a ALTUI plugin ( very easy to write ) to display some specifics

thanks for sorting the kwH and colour picker problem

version 2003 seems to have some errant text on the screen now - see attachments

[quote=“NikV, post:5, topic:195245”]thanks for sorting the kwH and colour picker problem

version 2003 seems to have some errant text on the screen now - see attachments[/quote]

Oups something gets wrong. please check the browser console log and give it to me. I think it is due to the new display of scene controller. i knew I was going to have some trouble with it by lack of consistency accross scene controllers.

also try to figure out which scene controller it is and give me the value of these 2 variables
urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneController1’, ‘SceneShortcuts’
urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneController1’, ‘sl_CentralScene’

TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of null at String. (J_ALTUI_plugins.js:1099:104) at Function.each (http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js:2:2861) at Object._drawSceneController [as drawSceneController] (J_ALTUI_plugins.js:1089:6) at Altui_ExecuteFunctionByName (J_ALTUI_utils.js:61:23) at String. (http://ipofopenLuup/J_ALTUI_uimgr.js:2669:24) at Function.each (http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js:2:2861) at _internalDeviceDraw (http://ipofopenLuup/J_ALTUI_uimgr.js:2667:7) at _deviceDraw (http://ipofopenLuup/J_ALTUI_uimgr.js:2704:4) at HTMLDivElement. (http://ipofopenLuup/J_ALTUI_uimgr.js:4572:16) at Function.each (http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js:2:2861)

i get this in console log with chrome

jsapi?autoload={"modules":[{"name":"visualization","version":"1","packages":["gauge","table"]}]}:22 A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, https://www.google.com/uds/api/visualization/1.0/f5ce4cf7ba7513f66e3f45efe3b22ee9/format+en_GB,default+en_GB,ui+en_GB,table+en_GB,gauge+en_GB.I.js, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5718547946799104 for more details. google.loader.f @ jsapi?autoload={"modules":[{"name":"visualization","version":"1","packages":["gauge","table"]}]}:22 (anonymous) @ jsapi?autoload={"modules":[{"name":"visualization","version":"1","packages":["gauge","table"]}]}:54

hope that helps


[code]Error displaying device 0-10029 - urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:SceneController:1

scene is null[/code]

this is my octan remote (nodon)

sceneshortcuts = “1=37-0,2=4-0,3=31-0,4=0-0,5=36-0,6=0-0,7=0-0,8=0-0”
sl_CentralScene = “5”

[quote=“NikV, post:7, topic:195245”]TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of null at String. (J_ALTUI_plugins.js:1099:104) at Function.each (http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js:2:2861) at Object._drawSceneController [as drawSceneController] (J_ALTUI_plugins.js:1089:6) at Altui_ExecuteFunctionByName (J_ALTUI_utils.js:61:23) at String. (http://ipofopenLuup/J_ALTUI_uimgr.js:2669:24) at Function.each (http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js:2:2861) at _internalDeviceDraw (http://ipofopenLuup/J_ALTUI_uimgr.js:2667:7) at _deviceDraw (http://ipofopenLuup/J_ALTUI_uimgr.js:2704:4) at HTMLDivElement. (http://ipofopenLuup/J_ALTUI_uimgr.js:4572:16) at Function.each (http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js:2:2861)

i get this in console log with chrome

jsapi?autoload={"modules":[{"name":"visualization","version":"1","packages":["gauge","table"]}]}:22 A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script, https://www.google.com/uds/api/visualization/1.0/f5ce4cf7ba7513f66e3f45efe3b22ee9/format+en_GB,default+en_GB,ui+en_GB,table+en_GB,gauge+en_GB.I.js, is invoked via document.write. This may be blocked by the browser if the device has poor network connectivity. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5718547946799104 for more details. google.loader.f @ jsapi?autoload={"modules":[{"name":"visualization","version":"1","packages":["gauge","table"]}]}:22 (anonymous) @ jsapi?autoload={"modules":[{"name":"visualization","version":"1","packages":["gauge","table"]}]}:54

hope that helps


[code]Error displaying device 0-10029 - urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:SceneController:1

scene is null[/code]

this is my octan remote (nodon)

sceneshortcuts = “1=37-0,2=4-0,3=31-0,4=0-0,5=36-0,6=0-0,7=0-0,8=0-0”
sl_CentralScene = “5”[/quote]

ok. can you please confirm of you have a scene “0-36” on your system ?
you can try install this hotfix by typing this in your browser, ignore the error message, wait for luup reloads…

yes have scene 36 see attachment will try the hotfix

umm hotfix didnt work - note this is on openLuup and I have delayed updating altui on real vera for 24 h

note that the scene 36 is on the vera there isnt a scene 36 on openLuup

[code]Error displaying device 0-10029 - urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:SceneController:1

scene is null[/code]

[quote=“NikV, post:10, topic:195245”]umm hotfix didnt work - note this is on openLuup and I have delayed updating altui on real vera for 24 h

note that the scene 36 is on the vera there isnt a scene 36 on openLuup

[code]Error displaying device 0-10029 - urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:SceneController:1

scene is null[/code][/quote]

then there is a problem , Your Nodon octan configuration points to a scene “36” which does not exist. That is maybe a complexity with openluup and vera bridge but basically ALTUI follows Nodon device configuration which tells us that button 5 is assocaited to scene 36 and crashed because scene 36 does not exist…

sceneshortcuts = "1=37-0,2=4-0,3=31-0,4=0-0,5=36-0,6=0-0,7=0-0,8=0-0" sl_CentralScene = "5"

I have put in the hotfix a piece of code to ignore inexistant scene so it should work now but To be sure the hotfix is well installed did you force a cache refresh of the browser ?

can you try applying the one attached to this post and if it does not work please send me again :
a) the sceen shot and console log extract again showing the stack trace
b) a copy of your J_ALTUI_plugins.js file so I check it

yes I did refresh the browser and the plugins page showed github:33026 as per attachment

I downloaded, extracted and copied the 4 files and did an openLuup reload and refreshed browser and now the error has disappeared.

A bit puzzled because I’ve not changed anything so up to the latest version it did not throw an error for this scene not existing



ok/ i have integrated the hot fix in the release so user who upgrades to 2003 do not have the issue

Hi amg0,

Still have the issue on a dimmer device.

Cheers Rene

[quote=“reneboer, post:14, topic:195245”]Hi amg0,

Still have the issue on a dimmer device.

Cheers Rene[/quote]

have you applied latest from github ?
also go into ALTUI device and reset configuration to default one time and save it ( then it ll reload luup ) , then refresh page & browser cache. same issue ?

Hi amg0,

The footer line says version 1.78.2003, I think that is the latest. I tried the reset and it did not matter. I am using Firefox, could that matter?

Cheers Rene


I’m using firefox 50.1.0 and the same altui version as you but dimmable devices (DimmableLight and DimmableRGBLight ) display correctly without kwH display

[quote=“reneboer, post:16, topic:195245”]Hi amg0,

The footer line says version 1.78.2003, I think that is the latest. I tried the reset and it did not matter. I am using Firefox, could that matter?

Cheers Rene[/quote]

if it works for others, maybe one of the file is not up to date ?
let’s try a full reinstall with the magic url : 33026 or a full ( all files ) download from github, if that continues to fail after a reload/refresh Cache, we can try more debugging with the chrome debugger

Hi amg0,

Tried it all, no difference. It is a Qubino dimmer device, showing with device type urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:DimmableLight:1, device file D_DimmableLight1.xml category 2 sub-cat 0.

Also a dimemr device without KWh is not showing that nicly. The devices are on a VeraEdge. The ALTUI on that is doing this, as well as the bridged view on openLuup.

Looked at the console. No errors.

Cheers Rene

[quote=“reneboer, post:19, topic:195245”]Hi amg0,

Tried it all, no difference. It is a Qubino dimmer device, showing with device type urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:DimmableLight:1, device file D_DimmableLight1.xml category 2 sub-cat 0.

Also a dimemr device without KWh is not showing that nicly. The devices are on a VeraEdge. The ALTUI on that is doing this, as well as the bridged view on openLuup.

Looked at the console. No errors.

Cheers Rene[/quote]

ok I think I get it now. GitHub - amg0/ALTUI: Enhancement Interface for VERA home automation system version should fix it