Occupancy Simulation on Vera (Called Mockupancy on Control4)

Hi everyone,

I was curious if anyone has an easy way to do what Control4 calls Mockupancy on Vera? See below for more details…

I have found an old plugin called “Dues Ex Machina” that appears to be no longer working properly on UI7. See below…


I don’t really need the level of the Mockupancy but just having the chosen z-wave lights come on and off at random times throughout the home would be fine for me. What do you guys think is the easiest way to accomplish this so that everything is totally random?

Any tips are appreciated.

I don’t think that there are any simple plugins that do this on UI7. There use to be plugins like Dues Ex Machina, Vacation Ghost, and others but none are updated to UI7.

There are a couple of threads about using Lua/LUUP to get a similar effect.

Presence simulation is quite basic and should be easy to understand.

Vacation ghosts alternative is quite a bit more complex, but it also does more.

[quote=“Z-Waver, post:2, topic:191675”]I don’t think that there are any simple plugins that do this on UI7. There use to be plugins like Dues Ex Machina, Vacation Ghost, and others but none are updated to UI7.

There are a couple of threads about using Lua/LUUP to get a similar effect.

Presence simulation is quite basic and should be easy to understand.

Vacation ghosts alternative is quite a bit more complex, but it also does more.[/quote]

Thanks for the response. I was hoping for an easy plugin solution but will check out those options. :slight_smile: