nothing is working anymore

Since I updated to the latest firmware, i noticed things are acting funny. But today, nothing is working at all, scenes, devices none of those are responding. Tried to power cycle vera but no luck.

Just downgrade it back. I am really not sure what Vera is thinking with the last 2 firmware releases.

you had similar issues? I’m going to revert the firmware and see what happens.

More of this “Can’t Detect Device” messages keep showing on more and more devices after the latest upgrade… >:( >:( >:(

btw where did you download the old firmware? I can’t seem to find it

I also cannot locate the old FW to downgrade.

I tried the “factory reset” followed by restoring a previous backup (based on other forum posts), but am still stuck on the latest FW, with some broken things.,32249.msg234481.html#msg234481 :wink:

If anyone is experiencing the “Can’t detect Device” Message and Lua Engine keeps on crashing… Please take a look at your installed app and make sure the ERGY app is not installed…

Apparently the ERGY app has some issues with firmware 1.7.1142


Yeah Sorry for not responding sooner. I was adding a couple of more devices to my setup. BOFH beat me to it!

[quote=“ronluna, post:8, topic:187348”]If anyone is experiencing the “Can’t detect Device” Message and Lua Engine keeps on crashing… Please take a look at your installed app and make sure the ERGY app is not installed…

Apparently the ERGY app have some issues with firmware 1.7.1142[/quote]

Thanks, did this and most items are controllable now