One of my devices, ERF-Gateway, was picked up by Vera as an IP Camera. This gateway is a small hub running on port 80 for my weatherdirect station. I deleted the device, but I’m wondering if Vera is going “see” it again. I also have an IP printer and a Skype phone that also run a web based admin using port 80, is it possible that Vera will also think these devices are cameras?
Let me see if we can tighten up the pnp detection script. What it’s doing is hitting the camera’s url, fetching the contents, and looking for a match that indicates it’s really a panasonic camera. We tried to make it loose enough to accomodate the various models of panasonic camera which have slightly different landing pages, but still strong enough to prevent false positives. Here’s a mantis to track this:
Another non-camera was detected… this time it was my skype VOIP phone.
Still having problems with this. It seems to occur whenever the non-camera device gets a new IP.
Any chance you could add some type of exclude by MAC address for these non-camera devices in a future firmware?
The new firmware will solve this, and is due out in a few days.