Node-Red & Vera (MIOS)


I have added Vera (MIOS) palette to Node Red, but I am unable to get connected to my Vera (I have local access enabled). I have error: Flows stopped due to missing node types - server. I have entered my LAN IP of Vera and port left as it is: 3480. Any help?

I’ve just checked my Node-Red and my MIOS nodes are still connected to my Vera Plus OK.

That’s all you have to specify the Vera’s IP and 3480 port number.

Double check the device running Node-Red can ping the Vera unit ?

OK, now it is connected. But I want for example get the humidity value from humidity sensor in bathroom. When I specify Room:Sensor:Variable in Item of Mios-In node, nothing happens… How can I get the value from Vera sensor?

This would be a question for our resident Node-Red and Coding Expert user @ElCid

However he has been booted off the forum and banned like some other long standing forum members.

I only use Node-Red with the MIOS nodes for basic things like monitoring the status of some virtual switches I have in Vera.

Here is one example of a switch. Its current status is “true” which means the virtual switch is turned on.

You need to change the “item” to suit the device and value you are trying to obtain.

You can also use the debug in Node-Red to see values like you can see in this screen shot, in the right hand side pane.

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Thanks, already works like a charm.

Had been able to move all my PLEGs to NR, I basically use Vera only as a Z-Wave gateway to my Z-Wave devices now. Everything moved to RPi 4 via NR or Homebridge and to HK, uninstalled most of the plugins on my Vera (free memory rocketed to sky levels:-).

It is mayby sad (5 year with Vera without any major flaw), but current state with Ezlo/Vera development made my decision to become platform independed and go with RPi Homebridge/NodeRed or native HomeKit way…

I’ve just moved all my Pleg’s to the new Multi System Reactor running on a Pi. I think that is much easier to use than Node Red for logic rules.

But I don’t know Node Red much, I’ve used it a bit for some things, manly for sending announcements from Vera to my Google Home speakers and also for some Tuya / Ewelink device integration, which to be honest I found to be unreliable.

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I’ve been trying the different plugins for X10 control. I have used the mochad plugin and that works very well, you just need to have another server to run mochad on.

i wonder how to resolve the issue.. .