No Z-Wave devices after full restore from local file. Only app devices remain.

VeraEdge - Ran 1.7.1419 since release. Updated to 1.7.2406 this weekend. Now all Z-wave devices are missing.

Before updating, I pulled a full backup (saved locally & cloud w/ z-wave network included) did a factory reset. After the new firmware was confirmed as running, I restored my local file backup from prior to the factory wipe. The backup appears to restore cleanly, but all Z-Wave devices are missing. The devices that remain are Hue Lights, Sonos, Virtual Switches, and PLEG devices. All of my switches, receptacles, sensors, & door locks are gone. Does this ring a bell for anyone? Everything worked great previous to the upgrade.

NOTE It wasn’t until I started writing this up that it occurred to me that only app-based devices remained. This makes me wonder if my Z-Wave chip didn’t make it through the upgrade? The Z-Wave light on the controller is solid green, so it’s not indicating any issues. I’m going to find a USB drive to plug in to try and capture some logging. I have tried resetting the Z-Wave chip and network via the UI7 interface, but they never indicate anything more than successfully receiving the command via the interface. Nothing is resolved after resetting those items, even after allowed to run for a couple of days and self-heal.

Hopefully the logging will point in some conclusive direction. If this behavior sounds familiar to anyone else, I’d definitely appreciate any advice on the matter.


Probably too late, But typically I would not want to wipe out my setup for an upgrade. It is only required for a downgrade.

  1. When you did the back up, did you also backup your Zwave network? There is a separate button to do it before you create a system back up.
  2. When you recovered from your backup, did you make sure to tick the check box “Restore Z-wave network” ?
    It looks to me like you missed one of the two steps. If you missed 2. You can always restore again and tick that checkbox.

[quote=“rafale77, post:2, topic:194988”]Probably too late, But typically I would not want to wipe out my setup for an upgrade. It is only required for a downgrade.

  1. When you did the back up, did you also backup your Zwave network? There is a separate button to do it before you create a system back up.
  2. When you recovered from your backup, did you make sure to tick the check box “Restore Z-wave network” ?
    It looks to me like you missed one of the two steps. If you missed 2. You can always restore again and tick that checkbox.[/quote]

Thank you for the reply. The snake oil around here used to be that a clean system was the safest upgrade, but it’s possible that has changed since the last time I upgraded. I did notice several people saying that they successfully upgraded with their environment still loaded, but I assumed a clean system would still take the upgrade best. I also successfully downgraded the firmware to 1.7.1419 in hopes that a version matched backup would be successful. It wasn’t. I’ve since updated back to current, as I don’t suspect my issue is version specific.

  1. I did do the separate Z-Wave backup. I do so every time I manually make a backup. I’ve got backups going back to March that result in the same behavior post-restore. These same backups have been used before during previous clean wipes and upgrades.
  2. I did make sure to select the ‘restore z-wave network’ box when restoring.

I’ve been running letting the system (or what’s left of it) run for a bit with a usb drive attached. I’m gonna check out the logging now and will report back if I see anything helpful. If all else fails, I’ll reset one of my devices and see if the Edge can see it.

Nothing is jumping out in the logs, but the volume of logging makes it tough to sort through. I’m going to try re-adding a device tomorrow to make sure the Z-Wave network is actually working.

Now that I think about it, this exact same problem did happen to me once on my Vera Edge and I ended needing to call support. I was convinced that my edge had a dead Zwave chip. Well they proved me wrong by finally making it pair with one device. My problem was somewhat convoluted with a mysterious request from my Vera edge to downgrade itself to a certain version of firmware and support couldn’t figure out why. I have moved on to a Vera Plus since and never bothered to troubleshoot further. I could start a new system from scratch.

I would try to recover the Zwave network from an even earlier backup if you have one and see what gives. Call support. You may have the same problem I had.

It’s reassuring to hear that I’m not the first to experience this and that there seems to be a solution that shouldn’t require buying a new Edge. I’ll reach out to support when I get out of work this evening. I’ve tried restoring with just about every file I have now, and the behavior has been the same. It certainly seems to me like the Z-Wave network is not being loaded from the backup file.


Have you tried restoring a server based backup from before the upgrade, instead of a local file? I believe it searches and looks for the z-wave backup a little differently, and will use the latest one you have (assuming you having taking another z-wave backup after upgrading).

Thank you for the suggestion. I just tried this, but I’m still not seeing any actual Z-Wave devices in my UI. I think I did try to make another Z-Wave backup post-upgrade as I’ve officially reached grasping at straws levels.

I also just placed a call into Vera support and left a voicemail. I expect they’re still catching up from the holiday short-staffing, so I’m not sure when to expect a return call. I’ll probably try excluding/re-adding one of my devices this evening just to confirm the Z-Wave is functional.

Ugh… i really don’t want to have to rebuild from scratch. I have ~100 Z-Wave devices and lots of scenes and LUUP code.

I need a drink.

I feel your pain… Luckily I had a Plus on the side and I moved a week after this happened so I had to start from scratch anyway…
This would be a task for several days… You can probably recover all your Luup code but will have to change all the zwave device ids.

Support should call you back in a couple of days at most.

I am back online!

As stated previously, I left a voicemail for Vera support last night. I received a call back about half an hour ago. I spoke with Johnny(spelling?) for a few minutes, enabled remote access and provided him with a code. We discussed which backup to restore from and decided to go back to the 26th. From there, he said it would take him about 20 minutes and that he would call me back.

About 15 minutes later, he called me back to inform me that he was able to restore my Z-Wave network. He said the issue was that the z-wave dongle (pretty sure he said ‘dongle’ instead of chip, but I could be wrong) had failed to upgrade with the rest of the firmware. He told me that he rolled the VeraEdge back to an earlier firmware (device only, not Z-Wave chip/dongle) and restored my network and then upgraded it all to the current version. A quick login to the UI validates that I’m back online and things are working as hoped.

The only thing that strikes me as odd is that I also did a rollback to 1.7.1419 during my troubleshooting process, but it didn’t seem to work when I did it. Maybe I did some part of that rollback process incorrectly or it just had to be reattempted until it worked. Either way, I’m super impressed with Vera’s support team and I am thrilled that I don’t have to rebuild my whole environment from scratch.


What you have described makes sense. The Z-wave chipset firmware is included in the Vera firmware, but when you role back, generally only the Vera firmware rolls back, not the z-wave firmware (because they are actually two different things under the covers). Generally you cannot roll back a z-wave firmware update without help from Vera. Same nightmarish stuff happened about a year ago when they first did a major update to the z-wave chipset in prep for the Vera Plus roll out.

This is encouraging - I’m having a similar issue, but my z-wave devices spontaneously disappeared, I rolled back to a known good backup, checked the restore z-wave box, and still can’t see zwave devices in the UI. I CAN see them if I use AltUI…and after restore, most things do work.

I really don’t want to start from scratch - I have some IR stuff using the KIRA plugin and some not super complex PLEGG stuff, but I’d rather not have to re-do all that setup…ugh