No Vera Detected Yet, Check Credentials

Hello there,

Really been enjoying getting my Vera Plus all set up and transitioning everything from my Wink Hub. One of the things I’ve been most anxious to accomplish is to get audible door open/close notifications from my sensors interfaced to Vera through my Vista 20p.

With a little bit of research it appeared that VeraAlerts was the way to go to start working on achieving this functionality so I decided to give it a go. To get things started, I decided to set up the VeraAlerts app on an old Android phone I had lying around (an HTC Evo 4G) and naturally I chose the Lan profile in order to remove any need for cloud processing of notifications. After setting up correct IP and Port information, I attempted to do a test notification directly from within VeraAlerts “Send Alerts” page. I tried both specifying the recipient as well as selecting the recipient as well as trying to directly type in the IP address and port of my android device as the recipient and in no case am I able to get a notification to show up on the Android app.

Not sure if it’s necessary for the LAN configuration but I’ve tried doing this both Registered and Unregistered and it does not appear to have an affect either way.

The only thing I can seem to find that is off is that when I choose “List Vera IDs” I receive the message “No Vera Detected Yet, Check Credentials.”. For the credentials I have the IP address of my VeraPlus as the Name and port number in for the password.

Looking in my LuaUPnP.log file the message appears to successfully send or at least it doesn’t report any issues that I see…

08	04/10/16 15:01:14.769	JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest device: 273 service: urn:richardgreen:serviceId:VeraAlert1 action: e[36;1mSendAlerte[0m <0x72f1a520>
08	04/10/16 15:01:14.769	JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument DeviceNum=273 <0x72f1a520>
08	04/10/16 15:01:14.769	JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument serviceId=urn:richardgreen:serviceId:VeraAlert1 <0x72f1a520>
08	04/10/16 15:01:14.770	JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument action=SendAlert <0x72f1a520>
08	04/10/16 15:01:14.770	JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument Message=Test Message <0x72f1a520>
08	04/10/16 15:01:14.770	JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument Recipients= Vera-Alerts-LAN <0x72f1a520>
08	04/10/16 15:01:14.770	JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument rand=0.1856444182567134 <0x72f1a520>
06	04/10/16 15:01:14.787	Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 273 service: urn:richardgreen:serviceId:VeraAlert1 variable: e[35;1mLastMsgSente[0m was: 14:59:57 Sun Apr 10 now: 15:01:14 Sun Apr 10 #hooks: 0 upnp: 0 skip: 0 v:0xdf7b38/NONE duplicate:0 <0x778af000>
04	04/10/16 15:01:14.793	<Job ID="244" Name="" Device="273" Created="2016-04-10 15:01:14" Started="2016-04-10 15:01:14" Completed="2016-04-10 15:01:14" Duration="0.22184000" Runtime="0.21758000" Status="Successful" LastNote=""/> <0x778af000>

As you can see, this particular message was a time where I tried directly inputing the IP as the recipient. Anyhow, I’m guessing that my issue has something to do with the Android side of things because I have also set up a Plugin-Forwarding profile to my Sonos Plugin and it seems to operate fine other then the amount of latency which makes it essentially useless for this purpose.

Wondering if you had any thoughts or directions in how I can troubleshoot this further?

Thanks in advance!

Are you using the correct device identifier? I have never used vera alerts only on LAN and when it searches for vera it uses the vera servers, which require a user and password.

Thanks for the reply,

As far as I can tell the Device Identifier only seems to be required in the Mobile Profile as it isn’t requested when setting up the LAN profile.

In the list, I’ve tried both using the IP address and Port, as well as my Vera user credentials. Guessing that my Vera is supposed to be listed here once I’m successfully configured?

Also thinking I may have put this in the front forum? Should this go in Plugins & Development / VeraAlerts instead?