No image from panasonic cam ?


Just bought a panasonic BL-C111 cam. Set it up with vera as an ip camera. When I access the camera, I can move it right/left/up/down but no image is showing on the site ( read broken image ) ?

Looking at the generated html I see the following uri being used.

Is this wrong ?

Also, this cam is supposed to have a build in motion sensor. I wanted to turn a light on when the cam sensor is tripped. So I went to the event page to try to setup an event but my cam device does not show up when I select ‘A sensor is tripped’ ? ie select device is not getting populated with my cam. What am I missing ?

Thanks !!

Hi have you set the path to the following
and obviously the cameras IP address as well.
Also you must match the user-name and password to your camera.

We did post a fix related to viewing IP cameras with version 522. Can you see if you still have issues, and if so, ping us on the tech support chat?