No DHCP client running?

I configured the Vera to connect to Internet using DHCP. It successfully gets an IP address when configuration is applied or when the device boots, but never revew its IP address, even when the lease is expired.
I checked at running processes and no one seems to be a DHCP client.
Is this the wanted behavior? A bug?

I’m no DHCP expert, but right off the top of my head, here’s what I’d check:

(a) Is Vera plugged into a router (or cable/DSL modem) whose DHCP mode is set to “Enable”?

(b) Is it possible Vera obtained the last IP address from the router’s (or modem’s) “DHCP Range”? (e.g. the .109 address when the range is set to .100-.109) I wonder if renewing such an address poses problems at times.

(c) Have other IP/network devices been added to your network during Vera’s uptime?

Hope this helps get your thinking cap fluffed up! ::slight_smile:

The Vera keeps its IP address an stay fully functional/reachable. The problem is that the device doesn’t renew its IP with the DHCP server when the lease ends, so the DHCP server may assign its IP to an other device (because IP will no longer be reserved). If this happens, 2 devices in the network will have the same IP, which is a big problem!

I had that problem and set a static IP for Vera on the router and set Vera to the same static IP an it will never have that problem. I also have the problem of IE 8.0 never seeing Vera on the local network when I try to sign in to it so now I can just type in Vera’s IP and it will log on. FireFox doesn’t have that issue.

Yes I did that as workaround, as my Vera is connected to my router…
I guess this problem is a bug, so I will enter one.