Next Firmware Revision?

Micasaverde - What the timing?

It was promised for this past week, but MCV was quiet for over a week now. Hope everything is fine…

Yeah - No word at all from them…

Everything is done except the helper videos. We hired a professional actress to shoot the videos, and it was supposed to happen last Monday. But she had a scheduling conflict and had to postpone at the last minute. We’re trying to get her in the studio to reshoot. That’s the only holdup.

Have you guys fixes scene saving problems?

Can you make a pre-release, even without the videos, available for testing? :slight_smile:

You can upgrade to this firmware: by choosing advanced, download and putting that in the ‘url’ field. → Control gives this error:

Not Found

The requested URL /remote 1.0.456/ was not found on this server.

My Vera says the same thing. I have noticed that if you click on the large green box that says setup Vera on local network that it takes you into the new version.

Yeah, that’s because 456 wasn’t actually ‘released’. It was just for you the scene saving problems. I just put the 456 in the findvera/control cache, so now it works. Does anybody still have problems saving scenes with 456? Or are all the issues solved with that?

No, it doesn’t work.

I upgraded FW to 1.0.456, tried to delete timer, when failed tried to simply change timer time - every time after Save the old data is back. Scenes changes just don’t get saved. It’s Firefox running XP SP2.

Submitted trouble report 296.

Did you have a chance to look into that?

Tried to delete an event in a scene and it didn’t delete either. After refreshing, the deleted event came back.