Nexa or Anslut Remotes/Wall Switches as Scene Activators?


I got my RFX set up fine. it auto recognizes my nexa/anslut devices and I can easily create scenes were I switch on or off my power plug-ins. The remotes and the wall switches are also recognized but I cant for the life of me (heavey googling) figure out how I can launch a scene from a remote or from a wall switch.

Is it possible?

If it is…could someone please write a step-by-step guide or ponit me in the right direction.

All remotes and wall switches turn up in the devices with “group on” “group off” and “Dim up” / “Dim down”. I can click (in the web interface) on “group on/group off” and if a power plugin is connected to that button it will switch on and off.

Kind Regards

I cant believe none of you know this. The z-wave wall buttons cost five times as much as nexa/anslut buttons and it would be great to reuse them in mye system.,17099.0.html

You just need to use scene number 100 if your device sends a group on/off to trigger yous scenes. I use PLEG so I am not sure how exactly it is done using normal scenes.

Okay, there must be something that I dont understand here…Let me illustrate what I did:

So I got this Nexa Remote paired to a Nexa Switch which again is connected to a normal night-lamp.

The button on the reomte that is paried is button number 1 on/off.

First time I used it after connecting the RFXTRX both the switch and the remote (just button one (on/off) got added to Vera. This is illustrated in picture 1.

After it got added I can switch on and off the light as normal with the remote, but also by clicking group on/group off in web application.

So, I then did the following.

I have a scene which switches on and off a motion detector. Picked this one at random and then added a trigger which points to the remote and put in scene 100. (picture 2)

After this the following happens:

Click on the physical remote still just switches on and off the night lamp :frowning:


Clik on “group on” / group/on in the GUI turns on the night lamp AND the motion detector…

How the h?ll do you get the physical device to activate the scene?


Your remote is very probably using ON and OFF commands, not Group ON and Group OFF.
You have to use scene number 1 from the “remote” device if you want to be triggered when you push the ON button of your physical remote.

I have a lot of 433 MHz buttons I use to control my system, e.g. arm and disarm the motion sensors in my kids rooms. I also have them near my bedroom to trigger scenes like “Everything off!” when I am going to bed.

I do this by using PLEG. The switches controls the virtual light device that are created automatically in Vera, and this device status triggers conditions in PLEG.

If you want to trigger a specific scene in PLEG as an action, this is also possible.

That sounds just like just what I need to get my system to the next step. I have 10-15 of these 433mhz remotes and switches laying around.

I have been googling… I have been looking at the official PLEG site and Ive had a look at this “walktrough”. But I cant seem to figure this out.

Would you mind posting some screens and giving me some small directions here?

  • I got PLEG installed, I got a PLEG device which has no functions…but it is “armed”
  • I deleted all my switches and remotes (433mhz) and let the system add just one.
  • This remote is “physically linked” with a 433mhz power switch (which is also shown in Vera)

Now, how on earth do I use PLEG to, lets say, open my garage (which I have a scene ready and working)

Kind Regards


Would also be interesting in a very short guide/screen-shot to set-up switches in Pleg


[quote=“tommylad, post:7, topic:181140”]That sounds just like just what I need to get my system to the next step. I have 10-15 of these 433mhz remotes and switches laying around.

I have been googling… I have been looking at the official PLEG site and Ive had a look at this “walktrough”. But I cant seem to figure this out.

Would you mind posting some screens and giving me some small directions here?

  • I got PLEG installed, I got a PLEG device which has no functions…but it is “armed”
  • I deleted all my switches and remotes (433mhz) and let the system add just one.
  • This remote is “physically linked” with a 433mhz power switch (which is also shown in Vera)

Now, how on earth do I use PLEG to, lets say, open my garage (which I have a scene ready and working)

Kind Regards