Newbie Questions

I have a few questions about this product.

1-I have been able to use the test site but now it asks for username and password anyone know why?

2-Will there be a native iPhone application?

3-Is there a projected release date?

4-How have the user experiences been so far?


1-I have been able to use the test site but now it asks for username and password anyone know why?

if you checked the box at the top of the ‘Users’ page it requires users to login on the local network

Will there be a native iPhone application?

yes, it’s coming very soon

Is there a projected release date

We will have the ‘release candidate’ out before Wednesday. Assuming there are no significant issues reported over the holidays, we’ll consider that the ‘final release’ around New Year.

This is the page that I have tried to access but a box pops up and says Authentication Required with a user name and password area.


box pops up and says Authentication Required with a user name and password area.

The testvera is actually in Europe and those devs have off between Xmas and NY. I’ll have someone remove the user/pass right after the New Year.