New zwave garage door control

Check this out… Coming soon to a Lowes near you for $99 ;D

For $20 you can buy the RM10 relay from 007systems [url=][/url]

You then plug that into a Zwave outlet…I used this outdoor module just because I had an extra one. [url=][/url]

Total setup took 5 minutes and comes out to be cheaper than the one linked.

What does the relay exactly do?

you can wire it to close the contacts on the garage door, as if you pushed the button on the wall.

plug it into a z wave switch and you have a way to trigger the door. You will also need a sensor on the door to signal open/closed.

There is a plugin in the Mios app store that you can use to create a logical controller.

the Lowe’s turnkey system looks good and I like the audio alarm. A nice touch for added safety that I have not seen addressed here in the forum.

If there was a change to the Garage Door plug-in such that it ran a scene x number of seconds before the door close command executed, we could accomplish the same thing using a Fortrezz siren…

[quote=“Bulldoglowell, post:4, topic:178723”]you can wire it to close the contacts on the garage door, as if you pushed the button on the wall.

plug it into a z wave switch and you have a way to trigger the door. You will also need a sensor on the door to signal open/closed.

There is a plugin in the Mios app store that you can use to create a logical controller.

the Lowe’s turnkey system looks good and I like the audio alarm. A nice touch for added safety that I have not seen addressed here in the forum.[/quote]

The Lowe’s system is UL approved. Your relay system is a lawsuit waiting to happen if the door hurts someone while closing unattended. I’d rather pay the $99 to Lowes than the thousands to lawyers if someone gets hurt.

[quote=“ufd108, post:6, topic:178723”][quote=“Bulldoglowell, post:4, topic:178723”]you can wire it to close the contacts on the garage door, as if you pushed the button on the wall.

plug it into a z wave switch and you have a way to trigger the door. You will also need a sensor on the door to signal open/closed.

There is a plugin in the Mios app store that you can use to create a logical controller.

the Lowe’s turnkey system looks good and I like the audio alarm. A nice touch for added safety that I have not seen addressed here in the forum.[/quote]

The Lowe’s system is UL approved. Your relay system is a lawsuit waiting to happen if the door hurts someone while closing unattended. I’d rather pay the $99 to Lowes than the thousands to lawyers if someone gets hurt.[/quote]

UL approval won’t stand in the way of a suit. :slight_smile:

True, but it’ll save you having to prove that you’re DIY Garage Door auto-close system (incl Vera) was in compliance with all the relevant laws, like the Audio & Visual warnings, when it took someone out :wink:

ie. Vera “reboots” during part of the process, causing it to repeatedly force the door closed each time it restarts…

UL won’t step in and pay for an injured child who’s head was trapped under the door. Come to think of it, homeowner’s may not either if you have an injury with this kind of rig installed. The UL listing to me is a comfort factor in the case where you would have an injury related to the remote actuation of a garage door.

No matter what system you have, you need to have the door updated with the latest light curtain and auto-rollup safety devices. Plus, and I think it has been mentioned here before, you need to put a camera on that door and make sure it is clear before you close it remotely.

I do like that idea of the buzzer telling people it is coming down, and I’m putting that in my garage as soon as I can get to it. I’m going to setup a delay, blink the lights in the garage and hit a buzzer before it closes.

Does anyone know if this new garage unit from Linear/Lowes will integrate with Vera out of the box and work with recent Liftmaster door openers? If so I may wait and get it when it comes out because it sounds like a safer more straight forward install. If I purchase a relay (20), z-wave appliance module (40), and z-wave tilt sensor (40) (to determine the open/close status) I’ll be at $100 anyway and not have the audible warning before the door is closed remotely. If there is a better or more cost effective way to accomplish this please let me know.

You’re obviously not a lawyer. ;D

No, UL won’t step in and pay for an injured child. But using a device with no safety certifications opens you up to negligence, which leads to liability (and big awards or settlements). Having a system that has generally accepted safety certifications (as in UL) means the burden is on the plaintiff to prove you were somehow negligent. And if your system has all the required safety devices, such as the UL-required auto-reverse if an object is detected, then it’s going to be very hard to prove negligence.

You’re obviously not a lawyer. ;D

No, UL won’t step in and pay for an injured child. But using a device with no safety certifications opens you up to negligence, which leads to liability (and big awards or settlements). Having a system that has generally accepted safety certifications (as in UL) means the burden is on the plaintiff to prove you were somehow negligent. And if your system has all the required safety devices, such as the UL-required auto-reverse if an object is detected, then it’s going to be very hard to prove negligence.[/quote]

I thought that is what I said

Anyway, triggering your garage door to close without looking at what’s there is not as safe as being able to see what may be there. My wife has a bad habit of activating it while coming round the corner and I can tell you it has scared the crap out of me more than once… working in the garage with the door open.

lawsuits and liability aside, safer is better.

Well, enough with the lawsuit lets agree both ways are dangerous ! and your screwed either way you look at it.

Now it’s March any one know what day this comes out .? Can you preorder ?

[quote=“Glebron, post:13, topic:178723”]Well, enough with the lawsuit lets agree both ways are dangerous ! and your screwed either way you look at it.

Now it’s March any one know what day this comes out .? Can you preorder ?[/quote]

LOL Glebron. I went to my local store and asked this past weekend. You should have seen this guys hamster trying to stay on the wheel. ;D

It’s still March here in the northern hemisphere…

I now hear that it due sometime in April

Personally, I think the idea of a strobe is slightly annoying, while the idea of a loud 5 second tone is obnoxious.

I also would never have the door close automatically, even if only because a random cat or worse, a person, could enter before the closing begins thus bypassing the safety beam.

My door only automatically opens as I pull into the driveway, and only if it was already closed. If it is open already, nothing happens.

And while the relay posted earlier in the thread is nice, and even costs about the same or less than a DIY job, it is equally obnoxious that the vendor is touting how dangerous a 110v relay is. First of all they are designed (and UL listed blah blah) for that application, and secondly the momentary 2 second on operation hardly tests the limits of the device.

Still a nice option for those who prefer more plug and play though.

The product manager at the Linear booth at ISC said it wont be out for another 3-4 months at your local Lowes.
The unit does come with a door sensor and it is encrypted. It will connect to your door opener with a NO pair. This means if you have a wall button like the MyQ, you will have to go to the button to attach the trigger wires.
We will be selling them also and I can not wait to get one to play with.
Again this is all from the Linear people. Yes, the same ones that said it would be released in March so take it for what it is worth.

Yeah I love how the web site says April!

After reading about the dangers of remote closing of unattended garage doors, I literally put my foot on the chopping block.
Guess what?

I still have my foot. I tested it before putting my foot :wink:
Can feel the pressure on my foot, not life threatening yet.
My foot might fall tonight :slight_smile:

The garage door stopped (beeper goes off till door is fully open) and the door reversed up to the fully open position.

It is a roller door type, about 10 years old
Don’t know about the tilting ones.

Warning: Kids please don’t try this at home or anywhere.