New User - Worked Great Now - Phone is Gone

I just downloaded the plug in and was amazed how quickly I got it to work. I added an iPhone and integrated into a Virtual Switch which indicates if my wife and I are home.

Now I go into the settings and everything is “undefined”. I tried adding the iPhone again, it found it but clicking the >> doesn’t move it

Our address is still on the main tile but there is no longer a map.


Couple hours later now and everything magically came back ???

Yeah, that is a know bug. It is due to the patience exacerbate function running in tandem with the vera evil ghost subroutine.

Your agony can only be assuaged by consuming alcohol (or other intoxicants) in sufficient quantity as to increase the apathy variable and make it greater than the time committed to solving the problem.


I’m just kidding Vera, you know I love you…

Battery usage with this active is unacceptable. I need to not use it anymore. To bad it’s a great idea.