New to PLEG: Motion Detector / Light Question

trying to get my first attempt using PLEG working.
relatively simple application. if it is daytime and there is no motion for 2 minutes in a room, turn off the lights.

Tried to piece together as much as i could from the forums and documentation, and have created the attached.

It is partially working. If at any point there is no motion in the room (if the motion detector goes into “not tripped” status), the lights will turn off 2 minutes later.
the problem im having, is that the lights turn off even if there is motion within the 2 minutes after the initial time that the motion detector goes to “not tripped”.

i attached a pdf of the pleg “Status”, and I would appreciate any advice or input you may have on how to address this…thank you

I think you just need to turn repeats on, on your condition cNoMotion

I switched over alot of my PLEG to timers, and so far found nothing but problems.

to me a condition like this

cNoMotion = tDay and (tMotionMaster and (tMotionMaster; Now > 2:00))

Works way easier without having to make 2 condition’s, a timer and everything.

[quote=“integlikewhoa, post:2, topic:186232”]to me a condition like this

cNoMotion = tDay and (tMotionMaster and (tMotionMaster; Now > 2:00))

Works way easier without having to make 2 condition’s, a timer and everything.[/quote]

I agree, but I’ve always wondered about the impact of having to evaluate those conditions every minute (I have a lot of timers). I currently use self-retriggering timers and while yeah, I have to have 2 conditions, I feel like perhaps they put less strain on the system (maybe I’m wrong and RTS will chime in).

I agree, but I've always wondered about the impact of having to evaluate those conditions every minute (I have a lot of timers). I currently use self-retriggering timers and while yeah, I have to have 2 conditions, I feel like perhaps they put less strain on the system (maybe I'm wrong and RTS will chime in).

I would rather have PLEG evaluate two Conditions at the start of a time interval and one at the end than making it evaluate one 1440 times a day in case something happened…

[quote=“RexBeckett, post:4, topic:186232”]

I agree, but I’ve always wondered about the impact of having to evaluate those conditions every minute (I have a lot of timers). I currently use self-retriggering timers and while yeah, I have to have 2 conditions, I feel like perhaps they put less strain on the system (maybe I’m wrong and RTS will chime in).

I would rather have PLEG evaluate two Conditions at the start of a time interval and one at the end than making it evaluate one 1440 times a day in case something happened…[/quote]

That is the exact reason I moved to timers, but for all I know RTS has some magic built in…LOL. I rarely use “NOW” if at all now.

Oh RTS is definitely a magician. I think his workshop comes straight from the Fantasia storyboard. :wink:

I would rather have PLEG evaluate two Conditions at the start of a time interval and one at the end than making it evaluate one 1440 times a day in case something happened...
This is all a matter of what your Vera is doing ... if you have it doing some other computationally busy things ... timers are more cpu efficient.

But most of the time my Vera is 87% idle.

I think his workshop comes straight from the Fantasia storyboard
Fantasia always put me to sleep ... I do not think I ever stayed awake for the whole thing (even in the movie theaters) ... but I am sure that there were timers popping, conditions evaluating, and lots of actions in my dreams while listening to it.

[quote=“RexBeckett, post:4, topic:186232”]

I agree, but I’ve always wondered about the impact of having to evaluate those conditions every minute (I have a lot of timers). I currently use self-retriggering timers and while yeah, I have to have 2 conditions, I feel like perhaps they put less strain on the system (maybe I’m wrong and RTS will chime in).

I would rather have PLEG evaluate two Conditions at the start of a time interval and one at the end than making it evaluate one 1440 times a day in case something happened…[/quote]

Thanks Again for helping me out in the other post. I think I got my timers working right now, which gives me a little better eye to timers.