New Motion HSM100-S2 sensors bad, prior model good

I own 6 of this HSM100 sensors. 2 of them are the prior model without the internal tap for an AC adapter. I have all 6 sensors with the very same setting/configuration running. The two old sensors work very well and with a setting of 5 minutes for next reporting of new motion batteries last 6 month. The 4 new HSM100 S2 sensors get all stuck on a random basis, some already after a half day, some after some days. They get stuck in “motion active” and “countinously checking motion” even they are set to report motion only once after 5 minutes. Even with no motion the get stuck in MOTION. Power cycle and they behave normal for a day or a few days. That behaver causes lots of fail alarms and the drainage of batteries within a few days. Something must be wrong with the firmware of the new models. I wished I could purchase the old models because all 4 new I had installed are woerthless to my surrvilance system. ???

I own 2 EZmotion 3in1 sensors (EU name for HSM100) and i have exactly the same problem than you.

Interesting. Just to verify: you are seeing the issue with the newer S2 model which has the internal tap for the AC adapter, but not the older model?

I noticed on the HomeSeer site a firmware upgrade being available for the HSM-100, possibly the newer HSM’s have this upgrade which is not (currently) working with Vera?


@oTi : i have this problem with the newer S2 model.
I don’t own the older model.

Upgrading to the latest firmware hasn’t solved the problem.

MIOS support did a lot of tests with my Vera and the 2 EZmotion (HSM100) but they are still not working correctly.

They’re not fit for purpose and consumer laws should let you get a refund in most countries.

Hi –

I also have the same problem as reporeted with the HSM100-S2 sensors. I go through batteries on a weekly basis.

I own 12 of the old versions (I guess HSM100-S1) and they work much better…


Meanwhile no any of my 6 HSM100 work any propper or reliable, 2 of them are the older model, 4 of them the S2 model with the internal power connector. I have them at 3 different Vera controllers… and all HSM100 fail in all kind of random problems. Any way to get my money back? And… what motion sensor is reliable for an alarm system with vera?

Has anyone reported this to MCV or created a bug report at If not, than this issue will not get fixed. Looking at the bug reports I do not see this issue being listed. Letting MCV know about this issue directly by contacting them via phone, support ticket or a bug report will let them know of the issue. Posting on the forum will be the slowest possible route to letting them known of the issue.

  • Garrett


Do we believe this is a MCV problem? Although the information is incomplete I think the HSM100-S2s have their own problems. Even though the polling interval is set to 3600 I still go through batteries every week. Of course it could just be my HSM. Has anyone else had this problem?


I have a ticket open with MIOS support since 06/13/2012 and my 2 HSM100-2 are still not working.
MIOS support told me they are waiting for an answer from the manufacturer (Express Control).

And waiting :-[

Seriously, why is it that there are lots of issues with motion detectors on Vera??? MCV guarantee the Vera3 is compatible with all Z-wave devices & I can tell you that I’ve never had a smooth setup at all with any of their recommended devices.

It’s so frustrating when you purchase the device and then discover it does not work at all.

Sorry Micasaverde, but not good enough at all. >:(Getting a real bad name for your products.


It appears that the new HSM100-S2 had some things changed in the firmware of the device itself. This is not the fault of MCV. The original versions are working great.

  • Garrett


Like others I have had problems with the HSM100-S2 sensors.

But since I have gone to UI5 I having problems with the HSM100 (original) sensors in detecting motion. Under UI5 they always show tripped and I never seem to be able to reset them. Any ideas? Anyone else have this problem?


Does anyone know if the issue between the HSM100-S2 and MCV has been resolved?

Not to my knowledge. I was hoping it would be included in the long awaited next firmware release.


Not to my knowledge. I was hoping it would be included in the long awaited next firmware release.


As far as I know there is no fix pending for the “new” HSM-100’s which do not work under UI4 or UI5. I have also heard reports that some are having problems with the older HSM-110’s in UI5, I wouldn’t know since mine are still on UI4 where they work pretty well. I have put in a support request and after about a month was informed by tech support that “we are waiting” for info from the manufacturer. That was several months ago and not a peep since then. How about it MCV any progress?

Not to my knowledge. I was hoping it would be included in the long awaited next firmware release.


As far as I know there is no fix pending for the “new” HSM-100’s which do not work under UI4 or UI5. I have also heard reports that some are having problems with the older HSM-110’s in UI5, I wouldn’t know since mine are still on UI4 where they work pretty well. I have put in a support request and after about a month was informed by tech support that “we are waiting” for info from the manufacturer. That was several months ago and not a peep since then. How about it MCV any progress?[/quote]

I seem to be having more HSM100 problems now under 1.5.408.
