New IVera User

Hi. Just uploaded IVera to an iPhone4. Kind of pricey versus the functionality as it is now. I have neen using UI4 via the internet connection and wanted to find something that did not require reloading every time it was off for a few minutes. Plus a bit more user friendly for how things are viewed. Everything seems to work but I have a few comments for what I see so far.

Schlage deadbolt only provides the status. No place that I can find to input new codes or review current codes.

It treats electric outlets as light switches.

I don’t know if it really recognises the pool controller (Intermatic PE653). It shows it as lights. And the red/green light to the left does not accurately represent the state as seen in UI4 for one of the sub categories. It also lacks the ability to see some of the variables that are desired such as pool temperature, ambient temperature (also not shown in UI4), and pool heater setpoint.

Thermostat. Not clear if there is an indication if the furnace/air conditioner is running. Not energy mode and normal mode selections.

The current version now freezes the screen repeatedly, requiring it to be closed and reopened.

Between the shortcomings and issues I have reverted to using UI4 though the internet on my iPhone.

An update is in the works and may take care of that.