New Blaster Firmware

Looks like there is a new firmware for Sq_Blaster generation 1 on their web site (.A100.bin). Anyone know anything about it ? ???

Its supposed to be a lot more stable with more WiFi access points etc.

Nice, anyone tried it? Going test tonight, I have wlan reliability issues, so I am hoping for some improvements…

As @stangley says the issues are specific to edge cases with certain wifi networks and also some circumstances where vera keeps thinking we are a camera and keeps trying to find out what type… We have been working with the wifi chip manufacturer getting a stable patch from them integrated for the last 9 months and so far the testing we have done is that this is a very stable build with good interaction even on some of the more odd wifi routers.

PLEASE send me a ticket on our system if there are any issues that you find - in particular if you find there are network instabilities. WPAPSK2 with AES/AES is still the networking security we recommend as the most secure, the most responsive and also the fastest in our measurements.

Please make sure you use the new wizard as well to set up the network.

Thanks for the info guys, I will give it a try today and see what happens.

Mat, I take it this is OK to upload to a protopuck via the TTL adapter?

Yes - that would work fine.

Make sure you use ‘A’ series firmware (begins with an A) for all generation 1 ‘puck’ blasters. The ‘P’ series firmware is for the new Blaster Plus (square shaped) blasters.
