New Android 7.54 promises Geofencing?? Where is it?

There was a new Android Vera UI7 update today to version 754.
It says this in the What’s new area.

▾ Geofencing support enables automatic changes in Home Modes based on your location.
▾ Push Notifications will alert you to new messages or events, even when you are not actively using the Vera application.

I also updated my Vera to 17481
Anyone know where these new features are? How do they work?

They appear to be at the bottom of the screen if you click on the arrow to edit the modes (home, away, etc) from the Dashboard. Looks like once you get one configured, you can use it in the scenes as a device or whatever, but only by editing the scene on your phone. No idea how to get an alert from my phone yet…

There was someone who posted his to be working earlier today in the EDGE update post. I have both but havent tried it yet.

[quote=“Jamr, post:1, topic:184820”]There was a new Android Vera UI7 update today to version 754.
It says this in the What’s new area.

▾ Geofencing support enables automatic changes in Home Modes based on your location.
▾ Push Notifications will alert you to new messages or events, even when you are not actively using the Vera application.

I also updated my Vera to 17481
Anyone know where these new features are? How do they work?[/quote]

Ok I haven’t tested but I did play with them a bit. On your phone, in the vera app, click my modes, scroll down and you will see geofences and add new geofence. I added my home and got a VERA notification popup that I was home threw the app.

[quote=“integlikewhoa, post:4, topic:184820”][quote=“Jamr, post:1, topic:184820”]There was a new Android Vera UI7 update today to version 754.
It says this in the What’s new area.

▾ Geofencing support enables automatic changes in Home Modes based on your location.
▾ Push Notifications will alert you to new messages or events, even when you are not actively using the Vera application.

I also updated my Vera to 17481
Anyone know where these new features are? How do they work?[/quote]

Ok I haven’t tested but I did play with them a bit. On your phone, in the vera app, click my modes, scroll down and you will see geofences and add new geofence. I added my home and got a VERA notification popup that I was home threw the app.[/quote]

Wow I missed it when I was looking for it.
That is awesome. I will test today and document my findings to see how it affects my battery.

I noticed in UI7 v17481 / Dashboards/Modes (at bottom) that there are new options for geo fencing.
Time to test.

[quote=“Jamr, post:6, topic:184820”]I noticed in UI7 v17481 / Dashboards/Modes (at bottom) that there are new options for geo fencing.
Time to test.[/quote]

I don’t think you’ll see a battery drain issue, but one thing I noticed is that it’s not very accurate. I have been continuously making the fence bigger to stop the false alarms all night long. I already use Vera Proximity app and have used tasker.

With Richards VP app it can utilize the phones sensors to determine if its physically moving and such to minimize false alarms. There is also rapid update features to put the phone in high alert before you cross the next fence.

Bottomline it’s good that they integrated it and I hope it gets better, but there is currently better solutions already available and in use for me to do anything more but play with and test it.

Hmmm. Was anyone able to upgrade a Vera3 to the new Firmware for this? Mine runs 1.7.439 and tells me that’s the latest version.

I was hoping to test the notification feature in the newest firmware.

Just upgraded vera3 light.

I am using a Vera Lite and was able to upgrade to 17481

After several tests I was not able to trigger a mode change when venturing outside of my created fence.

One thing I have learned today is that I am not able to log into my VL with multiple clients at the same time. The prior version I was
open multiple clients on my phone and tablet and my laptop and see status or mode changes instantly on all of the other clients.

I also noticed that after creating my first geofence on my phone in the Vera app., it also appears on my tablet with the Vera app on it.
This begs the question, If I leave my tablet on at home will my Vera unit think I am at home?

I also learned there are 4 new options pertaining to the Geofence in UI7/Dashboards/My Modes/scroll to bottom.
The top two are delays in triggering modes and reporting tripped sensors.
“Wait 30 seconds before changing to any mode other than home.” (Why would you want to wait?)
“Wait 30 seconds before reporting a motion, door, window tripped” (I am not sure why you would want a delay in reporting tripped sensors if you were already away from the home.)
The next two are;
“Set house mode to HOME when at least one user is at home.” (If my geofence is on multiple GPS (mobile) devices, does that mean I have to take all of the devices I have the vera app installed out of the geofence to trigger the away mode?)
“Set house mode to AWAY when nobody is at home.” (I assume you have to install the Vera app on all peoples mobile devices in the home for this to work correctly?)

How I set it up the geofence in Android.
I have my geofence set up as “Home” with a 100M radius and 100m accuracy location and the home box checked.
As 100m is the minimum for accuracy, I fail to see why a radius size is effective if it is less than 100m.
I did not want the home to go to away mode if I was home, so I made it pretty big.
How I set up the the geofence in UI7
In UI7 I have 0 set for delays and neither option checked as described above.

What happens when I tested it.
Whether the app is running or not, if I go out of my created (Home) geofence (about 300 feet away from my home, so it is pretty accurate), my phone will vibrate and I get Android notification that says “Home Exit”.
When I re enter my fence I get a vibration and a notification that says “Home Enter”
Unfortunately neither of these actions trigger any mode change on my VL. I then opened the Vera app and could see no mode change.
I verified this with having one of my lights go on when the Away mode is triggered and off with home and I could then view it on an internal camera, then double checked with a call to my someone in the home.

The phone was registering the fence location change and showing a notification but apparently it was not triggering a mode change in my VL.
I still do not understand what mode is changed when, with the home option checked, or what mode is changed when I create a different geofence.

There is a “Home” check box that you can enable when creating a geo fence and I can only assume my system will change from home to away when going from in to out of my geofence, but this is a guess as there is no explanation as to how this works. If this the case, this begs the question, as to how and why I would need another geofence and what would it trigger.

Anyone else mess with this yet?

I checked the two boxes in the geofencing area of the UI7 and I was able to get the mode to change correctly to away when I went out of the geofence and back to home when I entered the GF in one test. I will have to wait till tomorrow to test further.

Why not use an arping to see if the phones are connected to the home network? Then one would not need to run the app/gps on the phone to do a simple home/away check…

Altho I use both ping and two geofences I still have a few reasons why I don’t only use PING sensors.

  1. If I get home and I have wifi teather on for my kid my wifi will not be on.
  2. if your phone goes dead while you at home
  3. Iphones (I dont have) like to sleep and shut off wifi to conserive battery
  4. If your wifi drops or doesn’t reach to the corners of your property.
  5. Geofence does alot more then just home or away. It tells me if I’m at work or not, if I have left the county/state (won’t be back tonight, IE on vacation) Also tells my house I’m only a few min away to stop outside triggers/alerts of me pulling up the driveway.

And most of this really matters if your doing only important things with it. If your only turning on a front porch light when you get home its no biggy. But if your shutting everything down in the house and arming the alarm, there is nothing worse then sitting watching tv and your phone drops wifi or switches to 3g for a sec. everything in the house shuts down and arms the alarm.

I personally use two geo fences (vera proximity and blue iris) and ping right now with PLEG looking for 2 out of 3 to change. So if one false alarms or wifi on the phone is off everything still works.

I am trying to create a scene using the geofence to change my mode.
According to Vera, the Android app is capable of doing this and you can only do this in the app as it only has the information on your location with a scene using the geofence as a trigger to change the mode as a action.
I found this addon in the app store, but it doesnt work the same as described in the app.

Has anyone got your geofence to automatically change modes?

This may be a completely wrong way to do this but it worked. If anyone else has a better way to get geo fencing to change modes, please let us all know here.
I was able to get the Android App’s Geofencing to trigger a mode change when I entered and exited my geo fence.

[ol][li]Install the “House Modes Plugin” as referenced here. MiOS Apps
[li]In UI7 Set up a manual scene that triggers the House Modes Plugin for Away[/li]
[li]Click “Add Scene”[/li]
[li]Click “Manual”[/li]
[li]Click Next[/li]
[li]Click “Select Devices”[/li]
[li]Scroll down to “House Modes Plugin” and check it. Click Next[/li]
[li]Select the Mode you want it to run. (Probably Home Mode) Click Validate[/li]
[li]Name it[/li]
[li]Finish It[/li]
[li]In the Android App, create a geo fence.[/li]
[li]find the created scene. (it may take a while to show up)[/li]
[li]Modify it.[/li]
[li]Add your geo fence to the scene as a trigger.[/li]
[li]Select Exit as the geo fence option.[/li]
[li]Scroll to bottom and click “Finish”[/li][/ol]

Test your creation.
Now repeat with an enter scene and tell it to go to home mode. You can enter all of your enter automation in this scene.
Let me know if this worked for you.