Netatmo Weather Station plugin

Can you just try something for me?

If you change the device_json attribute of any of the incorrectly badged sensor devices from D_Netatmo.json to D_NetatmoMetric.json, does that fix the icon for that sensor?

(Needs a reload and a refresh of the browser.)

Thanks, AK

EDIT: I changed them all and now it looks like this: :+1:

That definitely changes the Icon and adds data to my Rain Gauge. :slight_smile:

I’ll try it on the others too.

Doh, only down side is that JSON breaks the mobile dashboard temp/humidity display! :man_facepalming:


Luckily it’s very easy to revert to the stock temp/humidity JSON files.

Oh yes, forgot to mention that you shouldn’t change the standard devices!

Glad it’s working. I have submitted the latest version to the MiOS store for approval.

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Me too, thanks for the awesome support. :+1:

Excellent :sunglasses:

I just got a Netatmo weather station and I was wondering what the best way to install the app would be? When I go to Install Apps in my VP the app shows:
Updated:2018-07-06 23:51:18
Current Version:18.227
Do I wait for Vera to approve and update or can I install this version then manually copy the updated files from the development branch in github?
Thank you in advance.

If you install the files manually, the plugin doesn’t appear correctly on the plugins page. That’s no big deal.

The latest version is on the development branch.

If you’re using AltUI (and if not, then why not?) you can install from the Alt App Store.

Vera have clearly been slow in approving, but it is, I suppose, the holiday season.

Thanks. I have not tried AltUI. My time spent so far with Vera has been frustrating to say the least and I did not want to add an additional variable to the equation.

I will try to encourage them, then, to approve the plugin in the store asap.

IMHO there is no reason not to use the current store version, the only part of it that doesn’t work ootb are the custom icons which AK has described the, very easy, fix for in recent replies to me on this topic.

@akbooer Just wondering if netatmo allow us to access their forecast info via the API? Having this in addition to our own live weather data would be the icing on the cake.

That would be nice, and it’s been asked before, but when I looked into it, those values were simply not available from the API.

I use the DarkSky plugin for this myself.

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Cheers, I’ll take another look but unfortunately I found in the past its predictions to lack accuracy for my location.

Don’t all weather forecasts? :upside_down_face:


Especially in the UK!


lol, true. One of the reasons I bought the Netatmo was due to living in our own micro climate in the Yarra ranges foothills.

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Hi. If i have this plugin,Will i be able to get data from other netamo users in my area ?

I don’t believe so, you can only see your own data.

ok. Guessed so… Saw some neighbors in the area had stations… :slight_smile:

Looks like Vera updated the app so I tried installing but its showing
Luup:Failed to download all plugins will retry in 10 minutes
Netatmo:Lua Error
Have tried several engine reloads still failing