Nest thermostat heating only

Sorry if this has been covered already.

Installed a Nest in old home, so it is only driving a heating unit via R+W wires.

Nest plugin worked fine on UI7 inside “devices”, and with the recent firmware update (now on v1.7.439) the UI5 app shows correct inside dashboard as well.

However there is no need for me to see Cool/Fan/etc options listed.

Is there an easy way to disable that by adjusting the advanced options for the Nest device inside Vera, or do I have to edit JSON files/etc?

The issue has to do with the specific UI you’re using. The Vera UI5 app may be smart enough to show a thermostat that is lacking the fan control and cool setpoint, but I think you would have to experiment by hacking the XML files. The JSON files have mainly to do with the web-only UI, so you would have to take things out of the D_.XML and I_.XML files.

I’m a little new to Vera3 at low-level.

Got PuTTY working, and found files in “/etc/cmh_ludl”, as well as “/overlay/etc/cmh_ludl”.

Is there any guide on this available?

[quote=“RoChess”]I’m a little new to Vera3 at low-level.

Got PuTTY working, and found files in “/etc/cmh_ludl”, as well as “/overlay/etc/cmh_ludl”.

Is there any guide on this available?[/quote]
I’m on my phone, so I can’t type very much, but the D_*.xml files describe the types of devices and reference the services that devices of those types implement. If you stripped out services from the device types, and then found and stripped all the same references in the I_Nest1.xml file, then you would have a “partial” implementation of the plugin, and then your client would possibly know not to show UI controls for services that aren’t there. Plugins use concepts from UPnP but are not identical.

I’m sorry I can’t offer more detail, but it’s a fairly involved exercise (as in, knowing plugin development to some degree) to get where you’re trying to go, and ultimately success will depend on how your app client is written. If the client has “hard coded” an expectation of a fan and cooling setpoint, then you would have to talk to the client developer about that.
