Need help with turning lights on and off

I just installed the Vera Lite to my router. I was able to add 2 lamp modules successfully. I even got the App to work on my iPhone.
What I can’t understand is how to turn my light on at 5:00 PM and off at 11:30PM. Would someone please take the time to give me a step by step instruction?
Thank you.

I suppose you’re using UI7, so don’t know the details, but basically you just need to set up two scenes, one scheduled to turn it on, and the other one at the off time.

As @akoober stated, you need to create two scenes. You need an Turn On Scene and you need a Turn Off Scene.

Once the scenes are created, you need to schedule your scenes.

An outdated manual can be found here and lots of great guides and how-tos can be found here.

I think what was throwing me off is my Home page looks nothing like what Blake showed in his Video.
Mine says Vera Smarter Home Control. Home is Green. I have several tabs:
Home, My Systems, Energy, User Profile and Help.
It has a My Preset Modes and under that I have tabs that say, Home, Away, Night and Vacation.
Anyway, I was able to go to Scenes and very easily program two lights to come on at a certain time and go off.
I tried one for right now’s time and it worked. So I have no idea what version of UI I have.

I could not find a Vera App for my iPad only my iPhone. Does anyone have any recommendations?

Thanks again for the help. Now that I understand the programming, I will automate a lot of things in my home.

So far as the iPad app goes, I don’t think you can do better than HomeWave.

Thanks I just purchased that app for my iPad. Now I am experiencing a new problem. When I am on my home WiFi all is good. But when I try connecting my iPhone remotely with the Vera app, it would not connect my VeraLite. Do I need to port something on my Linksys Router?

Should just connect via the MiOS servers when outside you LAN. Suggest you check your HomeWave configuration and then ask again on the HomeWave thread [url=,41.0.html],41.0.html[/url]

Can you not just set up one scene to turn it on with a delay for a set number of hours? I have my lights set to come on after sunset and delay 9 hrs later. Is this incorrect?

You’ll find quite a lot of discussion on this point in various threads. The problem with doing it this way is that if Vera restarts (as it often may do) then the OFF schedule never gets run. Separate scheduled events, still in the future, will get run, so in the event of a restart the light will still switch off.

Ahhh good point.

Thanks for your help, I got it to work somehow. I also was able to use the VeraMobile U17 app. They both work remotely now.

I have one more question. When I reply to a post why do I have to go through Verification process? It’s getting really old being asked “which country has the most people”?

[quote=“Steve350, post:11, topic:182506”]Thanks for your help, I got it to work somehow. I also was able to use the VeraMobile U17 app. They both work remotely now.

I have one more question. When I reply to a post why do I have to go through Verification process? It’s getting really old being asked “which country has the most people”?[/quote]

LOL I was just thinking this same thing.

The verification process goes away after a few more posts.
It serves an extremely useful function in reducing spam.

OK. I’ll keep answering my own posts. I do have a question, what’s a good Zwave garage door control?

I think I might use that for my alarm system. I want to trigger an event when my alarm goes off. So let’s see if I have this correct.

Starting from Right to Left:

  Com1       0     N/O       +    -     +power     -power

So when my alarm goes off 12 volts will be applied to the middle terminals, + and -

This should send a signal to my VeraLite controller, correct?