Native iPhone App Pricing

Keep in mind, with just one app purchase you can have it on multiple apple devices. For the sake of our poll, lets say the updates are free…

*I am in no way affiliated with SquareConnect or MCV. I’m just a Vera user like you!

I submit a vote for “it depends on what it does and how well it works” :slight_smile:

I am having trouble voting on this, too, so for now my vote goes to BOSSTON.

I think it pretty much goes without saying that a guy who will spend $125 for a light switch that might or might not work in his system would pay almost any price for an app that was easy to use, flexible, and reliable.

I just locked voting since it the post has been up for a while.

For those seriously considering buying this app when it comes out, we should probably expect to pay more than $50. In subsequent conversations with squareconnect, they had a good argument that basically went like this: why would a user be willing to pay anywhere from $50 to $100 to control a single lightswitch and then expect to pay $10 or so for an iPhone app that will control thier whole house?

Thier argument helped me put into perspective why this app may cost more than the average app in the App Store… Once again, I am in no way affiliated with MCV to SquareConnect…I can’t wait for beta testing!

Thanks to everyone who voted!

I’ll never pay more than 10$

why would a user be willing to pay anywhere from $50 to $100 to control a single lightswitch and then expect to pay $10 or so for an iPhone app that will control thier whole house?

Is this an argument for the app to cost over $100? What a bogus argument!

By buying light switches you are building your Z-Wave infrastructure. Then iPhone app is NOT what controls the entire house (hint - Vera does). It’s just an app, piece of software, which talks to Vera… Thus, the app should not cost much. Even $10 may be too much…

I am going to say this again… If it is a really well designed app… and it works really well… the developers obviously put a lot of time into it and then yes, I would be willing to compensate them for their development (how much depends on how useful it is to me).

I think anyone who says otherwise needs to think about the time and resources this company is putting into this app (provided it works well).

I don’t know about you… but I certainly don’t work for free. And how many copies do you think they intend to sell? 100? 1000? 10,000?! At 99 cents a pop, not even the largest number makes sense for them to spend any time on it… be realistic and give this company some credit.