My reacuring HA nightmare

Someone please help me understand why this keeps happening to me.

About once every 6 months or so my entire HA network goes to crap. I don’t mean a switch drops off here and there but there’s some major melt down that takes days to resolve. My current one started last week and then was compounded last night when I made some changes to my wi-fi network.

Last week I replaced 3 switches and against my better judgement I ran a full “Heal” on my network. My experience with “Heal” is it breaks more than it heals but I decided spending an hour trying to get Vera to see all my locks and battery operated devices again was the cost of replacing switches a few at a time. Sure enough, one of my locks isn’t on the network, one of my door sensors isn’t working and about 4 switches “Failed at: Getting the version” or “Unable to get any information on”. A few of my switches are showing as On, when they’re not and one of my fans will no longer turn on but shows no error.

I’m also a beta tester for the new SQ Blaster software so I’ve been playing with that. Well of course I’m having trouble with the blaster and after working with their support it was decided the problem was probably my security settings on my wi-fi router. I made the changes (from wep to wpa2) which set off a nightmare of things throughout my home network (and didn’t resolve my blaster issue) but highest among them is I now don’t have remote access to my Vera. Actually I have spotty access now, webcams are still images but they show me enough to know lights are on that are being reported as off. When I turn those lights off they turn off, so I’m connected, just not getting correct information. Oh, and none of my apps work remotely at all now.

I know that’s a dog pile of issues to post here but I’m feeling dog piled right now.

Do you have the ADD code from Ape15 on there? I’d install that and that will help you review the polling failure rates and provide a nightly (or whatever timer interval you wish) report on the devices and signal.

I also agree about the full heal, it doesn’t seem to work well. If and when I have issues, I will go into each module and ‘update neighbor nodes’ and that helps significantly when things go south.

Best of luck, let us know what you discover

[quote=“myhomeserver, post:2, topic:168320”]Do you have the ADD code from Ape15 on there? I’d install that and that will help you review the polling failure rates and provide a nightly (or whatever timer interval you wish) report on the devices and signal.

I also agree about the full heal, it doesn’t seem to work well. If and when I have issues, I will go into each module and ‘update neighbor nodes’ and that helps significantly when things go south.

Best of luck, let us know what you discover[/quote]

I don’t know what the “ADD code from Ape15” is. I’ll do a search and see what I come up with. It would be interesting to see that report though.

This is the thread.

Do check the comments about the graphs in relation to large networks; and the mail server (SMTP) authentication.

I don’t think this is unique to you, I think its the FFF syndrome (Fiddle Fiddle F*#k) :slight_smile: Its where everything is working quite well, and we decide to tweak something, which then breaks it altogether!

I’ve found the more I break stuff, the better I get at repairing things.

I think in your case, it was a good idea to go to from WEP to WPA2 as WEP is just too easy to break!
Be patient, I’m sure you’ll get your network working again!

One thing to note is that performing a heal with Vera “Re-configure all the devices when done” selected is a sure fire way to potentially break things, especially locks!

Give the nature of heal being broken in older version, are you running the latest 1245 release and the new 3.20 Zwave firmware? Things like locks etc can be a devil to get configured again if the network isn’t optimized; If this ever happened to me, I always used to have to move Vera back near my locks, (I found it best to be powered from the wall, and connected via a long cat5 cable back to my router), then the reconfigure button pushed from the device properties in the dashboard.

Is the healing more reliable with the latest 1245 release and the new 3.20 Zwave firmware?

I was having issues so I did a “heal” which cleared everything up this past weekend (1.1245 and 3.2). Before that intermittent modules would fail in various ways. I have 2 HSM 100s, 2 trane thermostats, a variety of GE 2 and 3 way switches, some lamp modules, 2 handheld remotes, temp/humidity sensor, sq blaster, foscam camera, TED 5000 and ITS ALL GOOD. (hope I didn’t jinx myself!)

Well if you call “not broken” as it was with <3.20 / 1.1.1245 then I would say yep :slight_smile: